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Becoming Your Best Self: How to Maintain Peace of Mind in Turbulent Times

These are crazy times we are living in. Everything seems backwards and fear is in the air. The future hasn’t looked this uncertain in a long time (at least not in my memory). Everywhere we look, we hear bad news. Whether it directly affects us or our next door neighbor, we can’t seem to escape stress.

No matter how crazy, however, it IS possible to regain and maintain peace of mind. You can stay cool, calm, and collected no matter what seems to be going on around you. Here are some ways to do just that:

  1. Turn off (or at least limit) the TV news. In my opinion, taking this step alone will contribute more to your peace of mind than all the others combined. While it’s nice to have 24-hour news access, the advent of 24/7 news channels has undermined the tranquility of this country and, indeed, the world. Unfortunately for us, good news is NOT news and therefore we are constantly confronted with images and stories of bad things happening, over and over again to fill the 24 hour time slots. Turn it off or identify a maximum time that you allow yourself to watch the news. In the old days, we got our news in 2 30-minute time slots, at 6 pm and 11 pm We somehow managed to stay well informed and in control. Personally, this is my current goal for news consumption.
  2. Take a deep breath and keep breathing. Another way to turn around and stay calm is to keep breathing. Long, slow, deep breaths will help you get into ‘the zone’, that place where you get in touch with your wisdom, where you feel One with God and the Universe. It’s the place where you know ‘this too shall pass’ and what you need to do so you don’t feel overwhelmed.
  3. Focus on what is good in your life (gratitude). An amazing way to feel calm and at peace is to feel gratitude for all the good things in our lives. When we focus on and appreciate the blessings that are already in our lives, it’s hard not to smile. When we smile, it is difficult to lose our calm. Also, the more gratitude we feel, the more things we have in our lives to be grateful for.
  4. Focus on what you have control. A great way to lose peace of mind is to try to control things that we have no control over. It is a sure path to madness. While I believe we create our own reality (and yes, that means we are collectively creating these economic times), the only thing we can impact and influence today is what we have direct control over. No matter how big or small, taking back control helps us connect with our power and it’s very hard not to feel peace of mind when we feel like we’re in control.
  5. It’s the perfect time to tidy up and use that nervous energy. The worst thing we can do when we feel stressed and overwhelmed is to sit back and focus on the fear. We all know where that negative thinking gets us, and believe me, it’s at the opposite extreme of ‘peace of mind’. When you find yourself hyper, get up and start using that energy. Clean the fridge, organize your closet, clean up the clutter in the garage, do the laundry. Do whatever it takes, and you’ll regain that sense of control and peace that’s essential for getting through the storm.
  6. Immerse yourself in nature, regardless of the weather. Take a deep breath of the fresh air and feel the immensity. No matter how I feel, a drive in the car or a walk in the countryside renews, regenerates and refreshes me. I feel calm and peaceful and look forward to returning home to ‘get to work’. For me, it’s reconnecting with my spiritual self by simply paying attention to the beautiful scenery around me. The best thing about this strategy is that it’s right outside your door and it’s free!
  7. Help others stay calm. Another unusual suggestion for keeping your own cool is to help others keep theirs. When we choose to be a role model and do our best to help others remain calm, it is necessary that our serenity be sincere. We can all see through a false emotion (although we may just feel uncomfortable without being able to explain why), so to relieve the stress of those around you, you must be calm. That is a great gift for you AND for them.
  8. Keep working, that is, don’t give up. No matter what your job is, even if right now it’s job hunting, don’t give up. There is a cycle of positive energy that goes something like this: the calmer you are, the more optimistic you are, and the more likely you are to succeed. The more optimistic and persistent you are, the calmer you become. It’s magical and it works well!
  9. Pray, meditate, listen to your favorite (quiet) music. With the TV off, you’ll have plenty of time to engage in other activities, so it makes sense to choose activities that promote calm. This includes praying, meditating, listening to music, walking, reading, certain exercises (yoga, for example), anything that helps you refocus and enjoy calm and peace of mind.
  10. And did I mention deep breathing? I can’t stress enough the power of deep breathing. When you focus on the breathing process, slowing each breath down and exhaling forcefully, the chatter in your mind shuts down. Always take at least 3 breaths, each one slower and deeper than the last. This is something you can do wherever you are, no matter the situation. Most people will not realize that they are entering the stress-free zone, where tranquility is the order of the day. If necessary, set your watch alarm to go off every 30 or 60 minutes to help you stay calm and focused.

Try practicing these various steps regularly and see if it doesn’t help you feel in control and able to handle whatever life throws at you again.


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