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Can Air Cleaners Reduce COVID-19 in Schools?

Reduce COVID-19 in Schools

Can air cleaners reduce COVID-19 levels in schools? This is a common question that is generating a lot of controversy. A recent study has revealed that windows-only buildings have higher cases of COVID-19 than other types of school buildings. While these findings may seem dramatic, they are representative of one of the largest school systems in the country, which serves about 28,300 students and employs over 4,600 people. However, public health experts say that these findings show the ongoing risks associated with a pandemic. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has found many blind spots in health infrastructure, including indoor areas with poor ventilation. So can air cleaners help reduce the risk of transmission?

According to the study, ionizers can reduce the amount of COVID-19 in a school. The ionizers produce positive and negative ions, which help clump particles and make them easier to filter. They can also reduce viral particles. The results of this study are not yet known, but they’ll help schools make the decision on whether to install these devices or not.

best air purifier for schools

Some companies that sell air cleaners to schools have a stake in the sale. They may have a go-between contractor who earns commissions from the sales. However, their role in selling the device and the commissions they receive are rarely made public. In addition to that, companies like ActivePure Technology use a highly qualified air-quality researcher (Dr. Deborah Birx) to recruit salespeople who are trained to sell the devices. In turn, ActivePure Technology pays salespeople with COVID killing technology for a $900 fee.

Can Air Cleaners Reduce COVID-19 in Schools?

Can air cleaners reduce COVID-19 levels in schools? Yes. And the researchers also recommend that schools install air purifiers in the rooms where they teach, and not the classroom. This is because air purifiers remove viruses from the air and thus can eliminate the spread of this disease. And better ventilation and filtration can make the air in the classroom less contaminated with viral particles. But how much can air cleaners reduce COVID-19?

While academic air-quality experts recommend installing a portable HEPA filter in each classroom, it is recommended that the machines are placed at the opposite end of the room. Its quieter design makes it possible to place a purifier in a noisy environment. There are two major disadvantages to using a portable air-purifier in a school. Aside from being too loud, it has to be installed in the right location.

While air cleaners can reduce the risk of COVID-19, they do not solve the problem. It’s important to install air purifiers in all rooms. They can help reduce the number of students who get sick easily from airborne infections. But the biggest challenge is that they do not do enough to reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure in a school setting. But they can help reduce the amount of people who get sick due to the air pollution in the school.


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