What are the key benefits of teaching yoga to children?

key benefits of teaching yoga to children It improves alignment of body and mind Yoga helps children develop a strong awareness of their physical bodies, which can help them stay calm and focused. It also teaches them the importance of breathing correctly to manage their emotions. In addition to this, it’s a great introduction to mindfulness and helps them learn […]

Suplimente pentru întărirea imunității

Suplimente pentru întărirea Întărirea sistemului imunitar poate face o mare diferență în cât de rapid și eficient treci peste boală. Deși există o mulțime de moduri diferite de a face acest lucru (adăugând mai multe alimente pe bază de plante, evitând ingredientele procesate și dormind suficient), suplimentele vă pot ajuta să oferiți organismului dumneavoastră nutrienții de care are nevoie pentru […]

Is Nizen Wellness Companion Compatible With Wearable Fitness Trackers?

Nizen Wellness Companion A wellness companion is a wearable device that helps you achieve your physical and mental goals. These devices are usually used to track fitness metrics, such as heart rate and calorie burn, and help you develop healthier habits through motivational alerts. They also provide real-time information about your health status, such as when you need to take […]

Be aware of calories

The word calorie is a fairly common word. ‘Ice cream is loaded with calories’ or ‘Watch your calories to lose weight’, ‘Count the calories’, etc… But when people talk about calories in food, what exactly are they referring to? Let’s find out. A calorie is a unit of measure, a unit of energy. When you hear something contains 100 calories, […]

The real truth about having six pack abs

Men struggling to get rid of a flabby midsection often ask about the right way to get six pack abs. While there is no silver bullet, there are some myths that can set you on the wrong track and increase the time it can take before you can see those sexy washboard abs. That’s why it’s important to know the […]

Sugar substitutes or artificial sweeteners

One way to avoid sugar-based food additives is to avoid foods that contain them, if possible. It’s a long list and includes diet sodas and other beverages, protein shakes, cereals, breakfast bars, frozen and sugar-free desserts, powdered desserts like puddings and gelatin, candy, gum, baked goods, diet foods, toothpaste, mouthwash, chewable and liquid medications, etc. Translate etc mean read all […]

Anger – Are you literally shaking with it?

Are you or someone you know perpetually angry or volatile? Are you easily offended…do you lose control when someone pushes you in line, says something rude, or cuts you off in traffic? Do you ever find yourself literally so red and angry that you’re shaking? If so, it may not just be because of what someone else did or the […]

bill phillips

William Nathaniel Phillips or Bill Phillips is the American author of the book “Body For Life: 12 Weeks To Mental and Physical Strength.” He also wrote, “Eating For Life” and was once the editor of Muscle Media magazine, as well as the former CEO of the nutritional supplement company, EAS. He also did a promo movie called “Body of Work” […]

Tea, an eternal remedy for stomach cramps

Are you suffering from stomach cramps? It is time to try some good remedies to combat them. For that, nothing better than tea. All its varieties can help you. Stomach colic is one of the most frequent problems at any age. They are characterized by contractions of the digestive organs that produce spasms. Sometimes they appear as a nuisance with […]