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What you need to know when looking at Yorkie puppies for sale

All healthy Yorkie puppies for sale will have certain characteristics that will make them good selections for your new puppy. A Yorkie puppy that appears to be ill or is not behaving in the same way as the other Yorkie puppies in the litter may be ill, have temperament issues that can make it difficult to train.

Since toy breeds like the Yorkie are more prone to many different health conditions as they age, selecting and evaluating the healthiest Yorkie puppies for sale is critical. This is particularly important with Teacup Yorkies, but is also relevant to a standard sized Yorkie puppy.

A Yorkie breeder who is concerned about the future of the breed will never knowingly sell an unhealthy Yorkie puppy or one that has a genetic condition that will affect the health of the puppies now or later in life. Since most reputable breeders will always test the mother and father, there is usually little chance of genetic conditions occurring later in the puppies’ lives, however the Yorkie breeder will also offer a health guarantee that will cover many of these possible conditions.

The following are typical signs of Yorkie puppies for sale that are healthy and ready to head to a new home:

Yorkie puppies for sale should be active and mobile, especially if they are a bit older at 10 weeks or more. Even eight week old Yorkie puppies will actively play and explore their area, unless you see them right after exercising or feeding.

A Yorkie puppy 8 weeks and older should be well-coordinated when walking on a flat, level surface, but may still have trouble on uneven ground or new types of surfaces. The pup should not appear uncoordinated or unaware of what is going on in the environment, this can be a sign of a neurological problem or even a sign of a vision or hearing problem.

Yorkie puppies for sale that appear pot-bellied or have very or moderately distended stomachs are often puppies that have pinworms. While pinworms can be treated, this is often more a reflection of poor care of the mother and puppies from a young age. These puppies are at a higher risk for other health problems as their developing systems have been stressed trying to deal with the parasite infestation.

Yorkie puppies for sale should be calm and not overly excited or appear nervous or scared. Depending on the age of the Yorkie puppy, he or she may be more timid and shy, however, they should not appear scared or overly anxious with human contact and interaction.

Yorkie puppies are naturally very curious and will be interested in seeing what is going on around them. Puppies that hide or become aggressive when in human contact are often more difficult to train and may not be suitable for first time Yorkie owners. The Yorkie breeder will usually explain about the temperament of the puppies and what stage of growth the puppies are in to help new owners understand the temperament of the puppy they are selecting.

Yorkie puppies for sale should have a healthy coat, clear eyes, and no discharge or cough. Occasionally, Yorkie puppies may have slight watering around their eyes, especially if they are outdoors or in dusty or windy areas; however, tear stains around the eyes are often signs of serious eye problems, including infections and genetic problems. Always ask to see both the male and female, or at least the female, and look for signs of tears around the eyes.

A Yorkie puppy’s ears should be clean and wax-free and free from odor and wax buildup. It’s not uncommon for Yorkie puppies for sale at backyard breeders and pet stores to have serious ear mite infestations, so be sure to check the ears for signs. Wax buildup, constant scratching, or a musty, yeasty odor in the ear is often seen with an ear mite problem or ear infection. Both can be treated, but the breeder should treat Yorkie puppies and make sure the condition has been eliminated before you decide to bring the puppy home.

Taking the time to research Yorkie puppies for sale and the Yorkie breeder you are considering is critical to finding the right puppy. Even if you never plan on showing or breeding your Yorkie puppy, choosing the healthiest puppy possible will go a long way toward ensuring a long-lived puppy and dog that has few health problems.


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