
The inventions you need.

Month: June 2022

The Most Popular Internet IPOs of 2011 – Who Went Big and Who Went Home

More than 24 internet companies launched IPOs last year in the US alone according to Renaissance Capital. 2011 included four of the five largest internet IPOs in US history (Bankrate, Groupon, LinkedIn and Zynga) raising $2.4 billion. However, if you…

How to use silk plants: achieve maximum impact

A few years ago, silk plants were cheap, mass-produced endeavors intended for restaurant tables, or expensive, handmade flowers that were beautiful but expensive. This has changed, and the wide variety of silk plants has grown over the years, with an…

Car magnets or car window decals – which should I choose?

There’s a common car sign question that many people don’t know the answer to: car magnets or car window decals, which should I choose? Both are popular products that are relatively inexpensive and fully customizable, so what’s the difference between…

Why Your Digital Marketing Strategy Won’t Work Without SEO

Digital marketing is the process of using digital channels to market and advertise products and services. These efforts are used to generate interest in the target audience and convert them into sales opportunities. Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing…

Help with the first day of daycare, preschool, or kindergarten

So you’ve been through the process of choosing a preschool or choosing a daycare; however, for a child entering daycare for the first time, the transition can be difficult. For a parent, it is just as difficult, if not more…

Myths about burning abdominal fat

1. Belly Fat Burning Myth: Exercising Makes You Hungry, So You Eat More The fact is: Don’t believe this myth or you’ll start skipping a workout here and there. The truth is that exercising actually suppresses your appetite. If you’re…

Reiki Healing Touch FAQ

Reiki is often misunderstood by the mainstream media and public opinion. Seen as cheating or even witchcraft and an opening to devil worship! Misinformation and misunderstanding of Reiki has led to the development of many myths, so I thought I’d…

The Traveling Psychologist Series 2 – Down in Kampala

Introduction: His first Ugandan site is usually the Entebbe airport in the far south of the country, near Lake Victoria. He had prepared so many documents at the visa office in Beijing (where I traveled from) yellow fever certification, bank…

Live your dream with an international luxury condo

For starters, well across the United States, many condo owners have chosen to purchase their properties in warmer climates. Like Florida, for example, it is one of the most popular options for buying second homes. The market is very accommodating…

The Dream That Will Never Die: Dreamcast Independent Gaming in 2016

I still remember the day I found out that SEGA was going to discontinue the Dreamcast. It was early 2001 and the PlayStation magazine I was reading (we used to read magazines back then) was covering the demise of the…