
The inventions you need.

Month: June 2023

Effective brands: how to select a good name

Your trademark is the most important asset your business will ever own. A good brand will set you apart from the competition and help you stand out from the crowd. A poor trademark will embroil you in legal disputes and…


Gshopper E Commerce Review – Deals and discounts

Gshopper E Commerce Review – Deals and discounts Gshopper is a reliable online store that sells a variety of electronic products. It works with well-known brands, such as Xiaomi, realme and Roborock, to provide its customers with a high-quality product…


Aká je najziskovejšia pokerová stratégia?

najziskovejšia pokerová stratégia Zisková pokerová stratégia je taká, ktorá maximalizuje vaše šance na výhru v dlhodobom horizonte. To zahŕňa obmedzenie variácií vo vašej hre hraním s hráčmi s rovnakými schopnosťami a minimalizovanie vplyvu šťastia prostredníctvom klamania a úvah o pravdepodobnosti….

Art Instruction Schools Review: Can You Draw This?

A few years ago, when I was teaching engineering at Iowa State University, I asked for that little test that can get you into Art Instruction Schools. I passed the exam, but never heard from the School again, which was…

What is red raspberry leaf tea and what are its benefits?

If you are pregnant, you may have heard of red raspberry leaf tea. The benefits of red raspberry leaf tea as a uterine tonic are unmatched. If you don’t know more about this tea, continue reading this article, you will…

Defense Base Law: Scheduled and Unscheduled Injuries

The Defense Base Act (“DBA”) provides workers’ compensation benefits to civilian employees and private military contractors injured while working outside the US on bases or working for a company under a US government contract. for national defense or public works….

After Prom Dress Care: How To Clean Your Prom Dress When Graduation Is Over

The prom is over and here you are looking at a formal dress made of special fabrics and you have no idea how to care for it. If your dress is dry clean only and has any stains, take it…

Real Estate Auctions – The New Land Rush

On a sunny afternoon in Florida, an energetic crowd gathers on the lawn of a luxurious estate. Loud, anxious chatter between an auctioneer, a group of bidders, and assistant bidders fills the air. For several minutes, the auctioneer asks for…

The Russians are coming* – The Russians are leaving

In this day and age, Russian spies living among us have been identified, to hack at will, stealing our most precious secrets. As if we don’t have enough to worry about! But, apparently, it is true, and to be sure,…

What to expect from the Cricket World Cup 2019

Cricket is a very popular game, especially in the Indian subcontinent and other Commonwealth countries. As outlined in my Cricket Formats article, the game is played in three formats: Tests, ODI and T20I. The cricket championship tournament – the world…