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Vitiligo (white spots)

What is vitiligo? Is it a minor physical disorder or a serious serious illness? This is a skin condition with localized loss of skin pigmentation. It can occur due to inflammation of the skin, burns or there may have been severe eczema once and then it turned into vitiligo. There is a possibility that at a young age, the cells of the body were destroyed by chemical exposure and the natural color of the pigmentation disappeared. As the condition progresses, the original natural color of the skin continues to fade. When the outer layer of the white patch is darker than the original skin color, it is confirmed to be vitiligo. It is a discoloration or a rash on the skin.

In India, we believed that if we ate certain foods together like milk with fish, onion or garlic, then one could get vitiligo. Being a vegetarian, I never ate fish at home. When I was young, our mother was always on the alert, so we never had this combination. It is a myth or man-made perception, but this fact is well known among the people of India. It can be hereditary in some cases. Many researchers, after doing a lot of research, have yet to come to a conclusion. Why and how does this skin disorder occur? It is a pity that there is no treatment. In Asian countries it is known as Leukoderma.

Milk is a food that promotes health. We never had milk with meals and were given milk with breakfast or with a cup of hot milk at bedtime. I think it is an Indian cultural issue. I never gave my children milk with meals, but they had to drink two cups of milk a day. They had milk with cereal before going to school and a cup of milk at night, this was a must. To date, they never got into the habit of drinking milk with meals.

According to renowned scientist Peter Williams of the University of Pennsylvania, one should protect oneself by not using other people’s cosmetics, brush, or comb. Stay away from kissing everyone and don’t have frequent sex with different partners because bacteria keep increasing and the results could be horrible. Many times one does not know the physical condition of the other. If someone praises you, don’t get carried away. There has to be a selfish motive behind this. You don’t want any sickness and you live a miserable life feeling sorry for yourself. You have been blessed with a great gift of life. Learn to live a peaceful and disciplined life and enjoy it to the fullest.

Traditionally, vitiligo can be cured in India by eating ‘BAEL’ fruit and its fresh tender leaves. It is also known as ‘marmelos angle’ or stone apple, wood apple or golden apple. When my husband and I were practicing Yoga and Nature Cure in India, Lajpat Bhavan, New Delhi in 2005, our yoga instructor Dr. Kailashi gave us bael fruit and said that we should eat this fruit as it gives us great health and heal the body. In addition, he took a branch from the bael tree and gave each of us a tiny stem with three leaves saying, “If you eat this stem with three leaves every day, you will never get sick.” What a powerful herb! The Bael tree is considered sacred.

Neem is another herb that is used to cure vitiligo. Its Latin name is Azadirachta Indica and it is also known as Margosa. Its leaves are bitter, but considered one of the best blood purifiers. It’s a bit difficult to consume, but my friend, a cancer survivor, gulps down a tablespoon of powdered neem with brown sugar first thing in the morning. Remember, “All delicious foods have negative effects and bitter herbs and vegetables have positive results.” Ayurveda uses its leaves, flowers, fruits and even the bark for ailments.

Turmeric is another miracle herb to use for this skin condition. You can use turmeric tincture on the spots 3 times a day for a longer period and be patient; you will see the result. Try to keep the area uncovered most of the time.

Garlic is also recommended in vitiligo. It can cure many physical and mental disorders. You can consume a tablespoon of diluted garlic or apply a little to the area directly.


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