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Guard Dog Training Tips and Tricks Revealed

People buy guard dogs because they want protection. These pets can be invaluable and a great asset to any family. Their training requires special measures and people must be aware of the best way to train them properly. Here you will find a brief guide that reveals some of the main considerations necessary when training guard dogs.

The first thing you need to do is teach the dog when to bark. It can be when something unusual happens. When the dog barks at the right time, you can call him to your side and offer him a treat. You can also try offering him a chew toy. You want the dog to understand that when something unusual happens and the dog feels it, it’s okay to bark and go to a family member.

Some people like to use what is known as “clicker training” to get their dogs to perform properly. When the dog behaves correctly, you make a noise with a small clicking device that lets the dog know that he has done a good job. Give a treat at the same time. The dog will soon understand that noise and action will give him a treat. After the dog gets used to this, you can replace the clicker with a treat and a verbal command like “Bark.”

At the same time, there are dogs that bark too much. Then you will have to teach them a “quiet” command. When you want them to shut up, you may have to shake a can full of coins or say “Hush” and spray some water in their mouths. The dog will stop barking to suck up the water. Follow this by letting the dog have a treat. Soon the dog will learn to respond to the word “Quiet” and you won’t have to give him a treat or spray him.

Guard dogs can become aggressive to protect their territory. You may need to post a “Beware of Dog” sign. Good watchdogs don’t need to scare people. They can be trained to obey commands.

Although guard dog training can work well with older dogs, it is best for the dog to learn these skills while it is young. That’s because you don’t want them to receive training that could interfere with guard dog training. For a moment, if you teach your dog not to jump on people, the guard dog might be hesitant to jump on a trainer who is supposed to be an intruder.

Guard dog training is something you can do yourself or have a professional trainer do it for you. There are a couple of fantastic guard dog training guides available that you can read about in more detail using the links at the bottom of this article. If you prefer to let a professional trainer train your dog, you should be able to find one by asking your local veterinary clinic or pet store.

In a good training program, the guard dog will first learn some basic obedience lessons. Those lessons will be very rigid. Guard dogs must learn to follow each and every command instantly. These dogs are also trained to only obey commands or receive treats from owners and handlers. This is important because no one wants an intruder to have power over the guard dog.

When the owner wants a dog to alert him if an intruder enters the property, the dog must be trained to detect strangers. This is usually accomplished by barking and returning to the owner. Barking and returning to the owner’s side may be repeated frequently, until the owner recognizes the stranger and the dog knows that he has successfully completed the job.

Sometimes the guard dog is actually trained to attack an intruder. This is done for protection purposes. After this type of training, the dog should not be left alone. The dog can perceive a movement of a visitor as a reason for attack. Dogs trained to protect their owners are not as sensitive to noise or threatening movements. This is to help the dog respond appropriately to loud noises or strange gestures from intruders.

The guard dog must be taught how to respond appropriately to all members of the family. The dog must know all the children in the family, as well as other members of the family. The dog must also be familiar with other household pets. This is how to make the guard dog a pleasant member of the family.

Guard dogs are friendly and sweet companion dogs. They like to have company, but will put on a fierce face when intruders arrive. Owners will feel safe having these dogs at home. Training them can be the beginning of a fabulous relationship. Don’t forget to praise them when they do a good job and you will be rewarded with lots of love.

Below are a couple of links that you can use to learn more about dog training and guard dog training in particular.


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