
The inventions you need.


Rice Cooker Reviews – Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 Review

The Zojirushi NS-ZCC10 is one of the best-selling rice cookers on Amazon. This is my quick review. First of all, a few words about the company. Zojirushi (meaning “The Elephant Brand”) is a Japanese producer of small kitchen appliances. The…

Genre Novels: Word Count Rules, Sub-Genres, and Guidelines for Publishing Your Book

Wondering “How long is my book? How long should my book be? What genre is my book or novel?” Keep reading. If you’ve written a novel, use this article to make sure your book meets the basic guidelines for book…

Baby shower decoration ideas for a simple or elegant shower

Baby shower decorating ideas can range from simple to glamorous and everything in between. Decorations are an important part of your baby shower, whether you decide to go for a simple or elegant shower. Depending on your taste and budget,…

Hypnosis techniques: how to hypnotize someone for the first time

Hypnotism has been used for several centuries to obtain information about an individual’s past and present lives. This technique was not named until the 1880s. The person who gave it this name is James Braid, a Scottish neurosurgeon. He was…

What is the success rate of the Nutrisystem diet?

I sometimes get mail from people asking me what the typical success rate of the Nutrisystem diet is. Some ask how much weight is successfully lost and others ask how much weight is successfully kept off in the long term….

Advantages of Hiring CTP Lawyer

CTP’s exotic green leaf proposal went into effect on December 1, 2017. New rules and laws were enacted, prohibiting lawyers from getting paid for specific services and governing how much they can ask for the various types of services they…

Signs of Spiritual Awakening – 9 Essential Symptoms of Awakening

Recently on the internet I discovered some lists of spiritual awakening signs (sometimes also called spiritual awakening symptoms). The lists I’ve come across so far are vague and unclear (for example: headaches and body aches, feeling like you’re on an…

The Bichon Yorkie – A Great Friend

People dress for the company that is present with a terrier. The joyous movement of a young pup and the carefree attitude he seems to have is something that many other pups cannot match. There have been many great breeds…

Tips for choosing "asleep" real estate ownership

Real estate investing is all about perception. Your perception of where the market is going, along with where it is actually going. The goal, as always, is to buy low and sell high. You want to buy a cheap tract…

Cell Phone App Download – This is not your mom’s cell phone

There are so many things that we can enjoy thanks to the advances that have been made in recent years. New products that make our lives easier, safer and more fun and nothing covers all of that like the new…