
The inventions you need.

Arts Entertainments

Total outrage at racism is justified

Not only is the world experiencing unprecedented times due to the coronavirus pandemic, but now the United States is experiencing extreme action against racism due to the brutal murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. The outright outrage…

Hydroponics used in WWII to feed American troops

In the late 1940s, Robert B. and Alice P. Withrow, working at Purdue University, developed a practical hydroponic method. His hydroponic system alternately flooded and drained a container containing gravel and the roots of the plants. This provided the plants…

Alternative roles of children at weddings: all about him "awww" Factor

Traditionally, weddings usually consist of a flower girl and a ring bearer. These children are most often from the bride’s side of the family and are children between the ages of three and ten. But what if you have a…

Eat the frozen dead

Why are more than 90% of Americans unprepared to survive? The short answer would be that they were not taught or trained how to survive in harsh conditions. Then why not? When was the last time you had to drill…

Natural cure for asthma found in Fiji

According to estimates by the World Health Organization, almost 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma, and almost 10% of the world’s population has been diagnosed with this respiratory disease for life. In the United States, about 70% of asthmatics…

The coffee song: why is it so popular?

The Coffee Song was written by Bob Hilliard (January 28, 1918 – February 1, 1971), an American lyricist who wrote many other famous songs. For example, in the small hours of the morning, any day from now, dear hearts and…

Old movies are better!

Old movies are better. I’m not sure why. They are usually in black and white. Actors tend to be overly dramatic. The special effects are not up to the current “tobacco”. But still, old movies are the best. Well, not…

WOOOO! I’m going to make some cold calls today!

I’m a fan of cold calling. There I said it. Cold calling isn’t as attractive as social selling, lifecycle messaging, or content marketing. – And despite what any hipster ‘customer success advocate’ tells you … Cold Calling is NOT dead….

What is the difference between a Pettiskirt and a Tutu?

Many of our clients ask what the difference is between skirts and tutus, so we thought we’d give you a quick rundown. As a general rule of thumb, tutus are generally made from a stiffer material, such as tulle. Tulle…

Your Personal Guide to Building Up Your Positivity and Happiness

Positivity and Happiness The art of living with happiness is quite easy but it does take some effort to achieve it. Many people go through life not living with happiness because they have failed to apply certain methods of living…