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Arts Entertainments

Motive and opportunity: are they necessary to prove murder?

When someone is charged with murder, it is often heard that they had “the motive and the opportunity” to commit the crime. The prosecutor can use this argument in court. If the case is reported, the media will undoubtedly echo…

Boot Camp: character discovered daily

Your fellow veterans get it. Unfortunately, his loved ones, who never shared the experience, simply don’t understand boot camp. What happened there? Why have you changed? The following was documented to help you start that conversation. They will never really…

The best Damien Rice songs of all time and why

There is no doubt that Damien Rice is one of the best and most interesting singer-songwriters of all time. His music has influenced countless musicians, both freelance and mainstream, including pop sensation Ed Sheeran and 2014 emerging artist Hozier. Damien…

Do boys need more protein than girls?

Proper nutrition for boys and girls varies due to differences in body structure, size, and physical needs. The problem that often arises is determining the main differences between growing children and therefore creating a diet plan that works best for…

Volleyball Systems and Strategies: Book Review

Volleyball systems and strategies is a book produced by USA Volleyball based on the work done in its Coaches Accreditation Program (CAP). It’s a very comprehensive look at the next level of volleyball above that of individual skill, that is,…

Everything you wanted to know about a commercial litigation attorney

What is business litigation and how can a business litigation attorney help a business resolve it? Business litigation is a legal recourse to the court of law to resolve a business problem between two parties or a matter related to…

The Magic of Malicious Compliance: Why People Get Involved in Self-Sabotage

If there is such a thing as dark personal magic, then “malicious compliance” is surely one of its best and worst manifestations. Conceived as an equalizer and liberator, malicious compliance traps the malicious compiler in a conflicting cycle of self-destructive…

My husband says he wants to get his old life back and wants a divorce

I recently heard from a wife who said it felt like the rug had been pulled from under her. She had only been married for a couple of years, but she and her husband had recently bought a house and…

Ludacris Money Maker Ringtones

Famous singer Ludacris (born Christopher Brian Bridges) is a Grammy-winning American rapper with more than ten million albums sold. Ludacris is also one of the only rappers-turned-actors worth checking out. Ludacris the rapper was born in Illinois, then Ludacris moved…

Yeast infection: how to treat intertrigo

The yeast responsible for developing a skin infection called intertrigo is none other than Candida ablicans. Candida ablicans likes to grow in areas where moisture is trapped, such as deep folds of the skin. Here, air circulation is limited. An…