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Legal Law

Top 10 Things to Look for in a Wrongful Death Lawyer

1. Look for a certain success rate. Your attorney should have a solid track record of large settlements and jury verdicts in fatal cases. 2. Since the laws regarding wrongful death actions vary widely from state to state, be sure…

The history of lawyers

Ever since Socrates received the death sentence in Greece, 400 years before the Common Era, and most likely long before that, people have been complaining and depending on lawyers. In fact, Socrates himself held the law in such high esteem…

stolen dreams

The next time you shop around, I hope you realize that the garden stone, handmade rug, or silk scarf available at your favorite store was probably made with child labor. I hope you think of twelve-year-old Ramesh, who works in…

5 questions to ask yourself before choosing a web design and development company

Along with technological advancement, there has been an abundance of websites and apps. You will hardly find a reputable company or even a startup that does not have a website for its business. Website and app have become the cornerstone…

Secrets of the Freemasons

The construction of Rosslyn Chapel, located north of Edinburgh in Scotland, was started in about 1446 by William Sinclair, who was reputed to have been a Knight Templar who was probably involved in a war in the Holy Land. While…

How to transmute sexual energy to achieve success and manifest desires

Napoleon Hill and others have said that one of the secrets to success is to transmute your sexual energy into creative business energy. Mr Hill says this is why men often succeed only after they are in their 40s, when…

Last Will and Testimony in Opposition to a Life Insurance Policy

You may know this as a “will”, however, in legal terms, the document you arrange before you pass on that assigns ownership of your money, property and other types of assets to family members or others is known as a…

JL Audio Car Subwoofers – A Trusted Audio Brand

JL Audio produces some of the best car subwoofers on the market. The company, founded in 1975 by James Birch and Lucio Proni, began to dominate the car audio industry in the late 1980s, during one of the industry’s boom…

A creative way to find money for college tuition

As I was for many years, my friend Cheryl is a single mom. Cheryl’s daughter will be the first of her 3 daughters to go to college. This young lady wants to be an elementary school teacher because she loves…

Are you too handsome to be smart?

I guess many of us know someone personally or have seen someone in a magazine or on TV and speculate that they have only succeeded because of their looks. It may seem like they are sour grapes, but those who…