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Legal Law

The absolutely immoral and unnatural perversions of the LGBT movement

Have you ever tried to turn a cranky Angus bull into a cow, or a male gorilla into a female gorilla? It is, as all vets will loudly proclaim, impossible to do. Bulls and gorillas are both mammals, just like…

Reinspiration Replaces Retirement – 2009

“Age means nothing to me. I can’t get old; I’m working. I was old when I was twenty-one and out of work. As long as you’re working you stay young. Retiring at sixty-five is ridiculous. When I was sixty-five I…

Defense Base Law: Scheduled and Unscheduled Injuries

The Defense Base Act (“DBA”) provides workers’ compensation benefits to civilian employees and private military contractors injured while working outside the US on bases or working for a company under a US government contract. for national defense or public works….

uplifting experience

Lefteris Stefanoudakis, a big name in Greek weightlifting in the 1970s who competed at the Munich and Montreal Olympics, would love to have been a part of the Athens Games, but is happy to have left the daily struggles of…

Is martial arts training for men and women fun?

Fun? Actually? I guess it depends on what you’re doing in martial arts to classify as fun. Or if you’re a sick, twisted fool who likes self-abuse and mayhem, brutal martial arts training can be fun. It all comes down…

What should you do if you have lost a traffic ticket you received in Miami Dade County?

If you received a traffic ticket in Miami Dade County and can’t find it, don’t forget. If you wait too long, you will receive a letter in the mail from the DMV informing you that your driver’s license will be…

What is the DOC file extension? Description and related errors

Microsoft has sole ownership of MS Word, a program that has been using the .doc extension for many years. They have the authority to develop this type of file as they see fit. In their latest versions of Word for…

Understand (and correct) the property tax assessment

Imagine, if you will, Tinyville, a community of only ten houses. The ten houses were of the same size and style, built at the same time on similar-sized lots, using similar architectural drawings and building materials, each with comparable views…

Cryptocurrency challenges and taxes

Cryptocurrencies have been in the news recently because tax authorities believe they can be used to launder money and evade taxes. Even the Supreme Court appointed a Special Investigation Team on Black Money and recommended that trading in such currency…

Power and solar rates

A feed-in rate is a premium rate paid for electricity returned to the electric grid from a designated renewable electricity generating source, such as a rooftop solar system or wind turbine. Currently, feed-in tariff regulations for renewable energy exist in…