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Lifestyle Fashion

Five ways to naturally improve the health of your hair

The human body is truly a work of art. It is so complex, yet so simple when it comes to our everyday beauty problems. If you know how our bodies work, then you know that the only way to keep…

Lifestyle Fashion

Is it Safe to Wear Blue Colored Contacts?

Blue Colored Contacts Those who are considering buying colored contact lenses might want to know whether they are safe. Contact lenses are safe when used and taken care of properly. However, improper use can lead to eye infections and irritated…

kiss as human communication

HUMAN beings can sometimes communicate through signs and gestures in a relationship, especially between a man and a woman, through looking deep into each other’s eyes. The art of love and kissing is important in any relationship, and if given…

The incredible benefits of sandalwood oil for skin care

The sandalwood tree is part of the Santalaceae family and is often called East Indian sandalwood. A type of evergreen hemiparasite in nature that requires root systems belonging to other trees to come together in order to grow. Sandalwood heartwood…

Explanation of the costs of Botox injections

There are many factors that determine the cost of Botox injections. * Dilution rates * Geographic location * Spa specials * How many facial areas are being injected Dilution rates vary between salons or medical establishments. This is a factor…

Candidiasis in women: Treatment of female candidiasis with medicinal herbs

Yeast infection in women has been the cause of many problems for many women all over the world. It has been found in a recent survey that most women suffer from female yeast infection at some point in their lives….

10 Common Questions Men Have About Sex Addiction

1. Question: Am I a sex addict? Answer: There are a number of warning signs that may indicate a sex addiction. A person who uses sexual activity, whether it is intercourse, viewing pornography, phone sex, chat rooms, prostitution, or masturbation…

Side effects of alcohol addiction

Alcohol is like any substance, any drug: it has its effects and then it has withdrawal. If you don’t drink much, you shouldn’t notice much the next morning, unless you’re particularly sensitive. However, if you’ve been drinking heavily for years,…

Myofascial release could be the answer to chronic pain

Fascia is the connective tissue that surrounds the organs, muscles, and bones of the body. The tissue that surrounds the muscles is called myofascia. Muscles are made up of fibers, and when a muscle is injured, these fibers tighten and…

Things you will never hear a thin, elegant and intelligent woman say

I’ve spent years studying French women, as well as other naturally thin people, and there is a method to their “thinness,” but it’s probably not what you think. It does not imply diets and deprivation. It is an attitude, a…