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10 tips: how to get fit without breaking a sweat

Tip #1: The *Brazilian movement*.

The great thing about this move is that you don’t need to go to a gym to do it, you don’t even need to find time in your day.


Because you will be doing this move while brushing your teeth!

How does it work:

Standing up straight in your bathroom, bend your knees slightly.

Lean your hips forward as you contract them, then pull them back.

Remember to make a very strong squeeze when you finish the forward movement.

Since you brush your teeth at least twice a day, that’s 6 minutes a day of Brazilian movement.

Along with healthy eating, this will guarantee you a nice butt for this summer, yes!

Tip #2: Use your hands!

There are some things that would be better done by hand!

For example, washing dishes by hand will burn 78 calories per half hour…

Knowing that a pound has around 3,500 calories, and assuming you’ll be doing the dishes for half an hour for 45 days, you’ve unknowingly lost 1 pound… (translated in a year, that’s about 8 pounds!)

Tip #3: How to get your 60 minutes of accumulated exercise per day…

The Surgeon General’s orders are to do 60 minutes of cumulative exercise per day (this can be divided into 6 short walks without any problem).

In addition to burning calories, walking will build the big muscles in your lower body.

Muscle tissue uses more calories to maintain itself than fat, even at rest.

Again, you don’t have to take a 60 minute ride if you don’t pay.

You can break it down into 4×15 minute walks:

-1- one at home when you wake up (it will also help to wake up even more :o)

-2- two at lunchtime to go to your lunch location and to return (just select a location that is within 15 minutes of your office)

-3- one in the middle of the afternoon to help you stay focused until the end of the day.

Tip #4: Manage your food cravings by being proactive!

Your body produces endorphins when you do aerobic exercise, which means increasing your heart rate for at least 20 minutes.

Aerobic exercise produces endorphins, chemicals in the body that induce euphoric and pleasurable feelings. These are the same chemicals produced in response to eating fatty/sweet foods.

Tip #5: Improve your posture

This is a great exercise to improve your posture, making you look great when you walk, when you’re on the beach, when you walk into a business meeting room.

We have a yoga mat, stand up straight.

Take a couple of breaths: inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale slowly.

Tuck your toes under and push yourself back into a low squat, fingertips lightly touching the ground.

Drop your chin so it is relaxed toward your chest.

Slowly rise from a squat position by pushing your heels toward the floor until your torso hangs forward and down.

Keep your knees slightly bent and aligned over the center of each foot.

Breathe, relax your upper body and hang like a rag.

Inhale in that position.

Exhale as you activate your power and slowly rotate to a standing position.

When standing, straighten your knees with your arms relaxed at your sides.

Inhale one more time, and as you exhale slowly rise up to balance on the balls of your feet.

Breathe, relax your shoulders and maintain this balance for several seconds.

You can do this exercise 3 times every time you finish a workout.

It may sound complicated when reading this text; I suggest you print this tip, take it to your workouts, do it once on paper, and once you understand the movement, do it again without reading.

Tip #6: Easy 6-Pack Abs

I have been doing 100 sit-ups a day since I was a teenager. As a result, I have a 6 pack without breaking a sweat during ab sessions at the gym.

Those who know my approach to strengthening the body know that I am a *lazy* person when it comes to getting in shape.

How long does it take to perform 100 sit-ups? Depending on the movement and the speed with which you do it, it will take you between 90 seconds and 3 minutes.

Hardly unsqueezable!

You don’t really need to warm up before such a short session, so you can decide when to do it without having to reorganize your day around this short session.

Suggestions per day:

20 sit-ups (your hand supporting your head, not lifting it up).

20 straight crunches with a one-second stop mid-lift.

40 bicycle movements alternating right elbow/left knee and left elbow/right knee.

20 seconds in the V-Pilates position: You rest on your butt in a balanced position with your legs straight and your arms extended straight and parallel to your legs.

This sequence allows you to work every day deep abdominals (V-Pilates), superficial abdominals (crunches) and obliques (bicycle).

Tip #7: Short is good!

As part of My Private Coach’s weight loss approach, mini-workouts (or MetaBoost, as I call them) can work wonders for those who don’t feel like sweating for hours in a gym.

“Something is really better than nothing. If I get in and can exercise vigorously for 30 minutes, I would consider trying it,” said Dr. William L. Haskell, an exercise researcher and professor of medicine at Stanford University. Fast workouts generally require only one set of 8-12 reps instead of the 2 or 3 sets of 8-16 reps physiologists recommend for optimal training. Associate Press Copyright – 12/15/2003

Still, these MetaBoost workouts should add to the recommended 60 minutes of cumulative exercise per day.

Write to [email protected] if you want to receive FREE MetaBoost cards.

Tip #8: 10,000 steps a day keeps the doctor away!

Invest in a pedometer and be sure to get these famous 10,000 steps I’ve been brainwashing you for the past few weeks!

10,000 steps start when you wake up. Wear your pedometer on your waistband at all times.

10,000 = 3 miles = about 300 calories (a little less than a bagel).

Take every opportunity to walk: pick your lunch spot 10 minutes longer, get off the bus 1 stop earlier, take a 5-minute break every hour, and walk around the block. Everything counts towards this daily goal.

You won’t lose weight (this isn’t enough) but you will prevent new pounds from piling on and improve your overall health.

No sweat required!

Tip #9: Invisible Meat Day

Whenever you can be alone, sit against a wall without a chair and hold for 1 minute.

Try to do this 3 times a day.

This counts as a strength exercise and will help shape nice thighs.

Feel free to apply this tip on other days too!

Tip #10: How to get a really flat stomach without working your abs

Every time you walk, think about pulling your stomach in (lower and upper).

This will work the deep abdominal muscles that NO contraction work can reach.

This will help you get a REALLY flat stomach.

No sweat required!


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