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20 tips for first date success

First dates can be stressful and overwhelming. The desire to make the best impression can make getting through first dates a bit difficult. This is normal for everyone. However, here are some of the most helpful first date tips that will make your first date a success.

1. Select the right place

Your choice of venue says a lot about your personality and character. A bar, restaurant or nightclub can show that you enjoy lively crowds. A day in parks or gardens can show that you enjoy nature and the outdoors. Or a museum or a concert shows that you like the arts.

2. Make preparations

Before your first date, doing a little preparation will help you avoid anxiety. If you put your date online, read their profile to pick out a few interests that might help keep the conversation going. This gives you the opportunity to be cheerful and confident.

3. Dress your best

Where you go on your first date determines what you wear, but make sure you make the best impression. Coming out sloppy and careless will make a bad first impression that could lower your chances of a second date.

4. Be punctual

Time is a sensitive issue on first dates and you should always be punctual to avoid your date waiting for you. However, some unavoidable circumstances may arise. When you can’t help but be late, be sure to keep your date up to date via phone call or text, and remember to apologize to your date after they arrive.

5. Drop expectations

If you have preconceived expectations of what your date will be like, you may miss out on getting to know him for who he really is. Be clear on your expectations but remain open to any possibility.

6. Intention to have fun

Remember, the main goal of your appointment is to make things work. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and go out and have fun on your date. Even if you’re not a romantic partner, it’s fun to meet new people.

7. Be on your best behavior

This sounds like advice for children, but many adults misbehave, especially on dates. Being rude or acting like a jerk is a guarantee that you’ll end up alone before the date is over. Using obscene or abusive words or forgetting your manners like talking with your mouth full makes a terrible first impression.

8. Listen before you speak

Learn to take turns while you talk. It’s rude to interrupt when your date is talking, especially when she’s talking to you about herself. If your date is talking, listen gracefully. However, feel free to speak when it is your turn to speak.

9. Keep the conversation going

Keep the conversation light on a first date and stay away from troublesome topics like past relationships, politics, or religion. Try adding some humor to your conversation. Humor is often a great icebreaker.

10. Show respect

On the first date, don’t expect anything in return. Take it as an opportunity to get to know your date better. Respect your date and don’t put them in compromising situations.

11. Be open-minded

People are different, try to understand your date as much as possible. Do not exclude them and give up a date a few minutes after meeting them for the first time. Take an interest in the likelihood of something really cool happening between the two of you.

12. Keep it short

A perfect first date should be short. Keeping such a short period creates the desire to wait longer and probably set up a second date.

13. No grilling

You may be tempted to ask your date a bunch of questions to get to know her better. However, familiarize yourself with your date by integrating your questions into the conversation. Don’t act like a prosecutor or cross-examine your date by throwing question after question. This can wear people down and make your date seem more like a job interview than a romantic occasion. Look for opportunities to get to know each other without grilling your date like an interrogation.

14. Be creative

Be playful and make getting to know each other fun. Try to play a guessing game instead of asking direct questions. Try connecting with your date through cool and unusual activities to break the ice or set the mood.

15. Show interest

After your date tells you a story, follow up with a few comments or questions to show that you’re amused or surprised and that you’re listening. Alternatively, after telling a story, you can ask your date a basic question like “What do you think about that?” to strike up a conversation with your date.

16. Know the signs

You need to know if your date is enjoying the date. Making eye contact, laughing at your jokes, holding hands, or sharing a kiss are just a few of the signs that your date enjoys your company.

17. Know when to get physical

Depending on how well your date is going and your date’s mood and emotions, you may decide to get in shape. For example, a long hug on a first date can lead to an amazing kiss on a second date. Getting physical can be a way to determine if you are compatible or not. Always trust your instincts.

18. Focus on the experience

Avoid the common notion that every first date should turn into something more. Take the first date as an opportunity to explore yourself and get to know your date. It is an opportunity to get together, connect and create experiences together.

19. Be honest

Don’t pretend you’re having fun if you feel like you’re not. Don’t be embarrassed to let your date know it won’t work. On the other hand, if you enjoyed the first date, feel free to take things to the next level.

20. Don’t forget to communicate after the date

Most people are afraid of opening themselves up to rejection and fear being the first to text or call after the first date. In fact, you will seem more affectionate if you become the first to respond to the text. Keep the texts simple, for example “Thank you for a lovely evening” or “I had a great time”. Who knows? He can take you on a second date.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to choose how you’ll spend your first date. You may not control how your partner will act, however, you can be receptive, show off your best qualities, and most of all, get to know each other and have a good time.


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