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Tours Travel

20 – Veterans Day – 17

Saturday November 11 is Veterans Day. I have written a poem in tribute to those who gave everything in defense of our freedom and liberty. May we remember them especially on this day.

20 ~ Veterans Day ~ 17

On the high seas they rest in the fields of Flanders,

Where the crimson poppies grow

Among a great variety of crosses, row after row after row.

Rest in Normandy, Sicily, North Africa, Egypt,

And also throughout Europe.

They rest by the thousands, on the other side of the Pacific

In Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima and Manila Bay.

You can visit them in Okinawa and Peleliu-

And so many other far away places, on this his special day.

Lying in Virginia, more than four hundred thousand men,

An endless display of white stone markers,

In over six hundred acres of sacred ground,

Like in the Trace Atkins song.

There they rest in peace “in the best company.”

They are “the chosen ones.”

They reached Arlington.

They rest among the scented pines in the smaller Maine towns.

You will find them by the hundreds in Boston at Bunker Hill and the surrounding area,

And in quiet places along the Long Island Sound.

In Virginia and the Carolinas,

Big and small cemeteries,

Our fallen brave men can be found easily.

You will find our bravest heroes in graveyards.

Throughout our land, from sea to shining sea.

They look forward to your visit on Veterans Day,

Where you will hear the call of the lonely bugle.

As the sad sound of “Taps” echoes through the valley.

Our American flag flies softly on every sacred stone,

The names chiseled in granite tell their story to all.

Come on, if only for a moment

To say: “Thank you for your sacrifice,

And for responding without hesitation to the call of duty.

You don’t need freight, we won’t forget it,

Never accept your gift in vain.

Your bravery and courage in battle

It still echoes each and every name. “

“May you rest in peace forever

Knowing that for eternity you’ll be lying there

It is testimony to the price of freedom,

We are alive we can cheer with gratitude.

So today we seize this moment

Recognize their selfless service.

At dusk, when the cry of “Taps” is heard,

From Arlington to Kansas, California and beyond

We will stand at your feet and silently sing the song of freedom.

On this Veterans Day, and for all to come,

Rest assured that we will never forget you

And always be grateful

For each and every one.


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