
The inventions you need.

Month: August 2021

Negative effects of social media

Alexander Pope said, “A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.” it goes perfectly with the amateur use of social networks, especially in the 21st century. We take social media for granted and do what we want, what comes next. Social…

Facts about bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis is a very common and uncomfortable infection that affects many adult women today. However, for most of us, the infection goes unnoticed and goes away on its own. But for women like me, the symptoms are irritable, embarrassing,…

How to deal with the Border Collie’s whining

Border collies don’t make many different sounds, but they all mean something. If your dog is whining then he must need something, whining to get attention or because he misses you or some other pet that maybe died or ran…

How to increase rents: the annoying increase in rents

Every landlord is faced with the question: should I increase the rent? And if so, how much and how often? I like to use what we call annoying augmentation. If you increase the rent too much, you risk the tenant…

Why is Roger Maris not in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

Roger Maris played Major League Ball (MLB) for 12 seasons, from 1957 to 1968. He played for four different teams (Cleveland Indians, Kansas City Royals, New York Yankees, and St. Louis Cardinals). He appeared in seven World Series, winning three…

The Hamptons: the luxury destination

The Hamptons are a group of towns that form the southern fork of Long Island. This group of farmhouses is one of the most interesting places on the island. The Hamptons can be elegant and wild, a stark contrast to…

Recover from failure

You are reading this because you have experienced some kind of failure in your life, be it the failure of a business or a relationship … Maybe you lost your job or a competition of some kind. You feel like…

Lesbian infidelity: when is your girl cheating on you?

Sitting on the edge of the bed, listening, words without sound that only provoke horrible images that you never wanted to ask yourself, in your mind you are trapped. There is nothing more painful than death to hear that the…

The pros and cons of traveling the world

We have many outings to spend our free time fruitfully. One of them is traveling. It is a wonderful experience in the life of any person, although it has its pros and cons. We are going to discuss about the…

What is Dark Emperador marble and how to remove water stains from dark marbles?

Since the beginning of civilization, natural stones have been introduced into homes for use as works of art and elegance. Today, beautiful stones like Dark Emperador marble have become quite popular. These beautiful stones not only signify beauty and elegance,…