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3 Hours Before Bed for a Copper Sulfate For Toenail Fungus Treatment

Sulfate For Toenail Fungus Treatment

If you are dealing with a stubborn toenail fungus, then the one thing that is considered a home remedy is the application of a chemical called copper sulfate. The chemical compound is commonly used as an antifungal agent in medicine. It can be taken as a pill or applied as a solution. Many people believe that this is effective against fungal nail infections because it is widely used in topical creams and ointments. Some people also find that it does not have any negative side effects. You will be happy to know that it has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration.

Another reason why people apply it for toenail fungus is because the compound is effective in killing bacteria. Bacteria is a major cause of athlete’s foot. However, not all kinds of bacteria can be killed by the cream. So, if you choose this solution to cure your infection, then you should do it consistently and regularly. Just like the foot bath remedy, it is widely used as a cure for fungal nail infections.

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This antifungal agent is available in a variety of forms and is mostly available in oral medications and ointments. But you should know that not all kinds of skin fungus can be cured by the topical form of medication. As for fungal nail infection, oral medications can treat it. However, it will take some time before you can see results. In some cases, your infection may not respond to oral medications. In such cases, the best option left for you is to take a foot bath to cure toenail fungus.

3 Hours Before Bed for a Copper Sulfate For Toenail Fungus Treatment

A foot bath is a more convenient and effective than taking oral medications or undergoing laser toenail fungus treatment. It is less messy as well. And, most importantly, it does not contain any harmful or toxic chemicals that may affect your overall health. Thus, it is the safest solution for you to cure your infection.

It is actually a bacterial infection which occurs when the body’s normal flora are disrupted. Bacteria that normally live in our guts are allowed to flourish and cause fungal infection. The bacteria that causes this kind of problem is known as Clostridium botulinum type A. If you are suffering from copper deficiency, then you are more likely to get this infection. The best thing to do is to take a foot bath in pure water and pour one glass of pure copper sulfate solution in it three hours before going to bed.

Another effective antifungal agent is blue vitriol. However, it must be prepared properly since it has very high toxicity level. You can prepare it by mixing in water three teaspoons of distilled water with 2 ounces of blue vitriol. After you have made this mixture, let it stand for at least two hours. Then, use a clean white cotton fabric as a foot soak. Let the water drain out, and then soak your feet in the mixture until the blue vitriol has disappeared completely.


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