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Health Fitness

3 Powerful Exercises To Burn Belly Fat – Only For People Who Hate Abs

Abs were once the bane of my existence. I tried to follow the conventional advice, and if my tummy is sticking out, then maybe I should work out my abdominal muscles.

The problem was: I was doing more and more crunches, but I wasn’t seeing any results even after 3 weeks! There was still a lot of abdominal fat on top of my abdominal muscles. Then, after talking to a personal trainer, I learned that you need to do more than crunches to burn fat, and in fact, I didn’t have to do anything!

To burn fat, I needed to do more aerobic exercise and get my heart rate up, my blood pumping and my sweat flowing. But, I wasn’t really a fan of the typical types of aerobic exercise. To tell you the truth, aside from abs, I hate running. I also don’t really like biking or swimming. So what did I do?

Exercise 1: jump rope for your heart
First, I searched my closet and found my old jump rope. That’s right, jumping rope is a great way to burn fat. I recommend at least 20 minutes 3 times a week, and more if you can. I started with basic jumping jacks, but to keep it interesting I googled some great jump rope exercises. I found a few fun ones for myself, and I was finally able to do double that and more. If Rocky did it, so can I.

Exercise 2: Burn fat with burpees
Second, I wanted to find an exercise that incorporated a little more strength training, but was still aerobic. I found? Burp! What is a burpee, you ask? Start by standing up straight, then bend your knees into a squat and place your palms on the ground. Then, you kick your feet back so that you’re at the bottom of a pushup position. Now bring your feet forward and return to the squatting position. Lastly, it explodes in a jump up into the air.

Burpees were hard for me to visualize when someone first tried to describe it to me. I recommend searching YouTube for videos that teach you how to do a burpee. My favorite video is one from GymJunkies, although there are others too. Start with 10-20 burpees and do a couple of sets 3 times a week. If you want to get intense, do the 100 burpees challenge and see how fast you can do them!

Exercise 3: Dance with all your heart
I left the third exercise for last, because it is my favorite: Dancing. That’s right, you can shake your booty and dance to burn that belly fat! There is no right or wrong type of dance, as long as you are active and get your heart rate up, it is good for you. I enjoyed swing and salsa dancing with partners, and I also tried hip hop, modern and other solo dances. I think the best dance is just you in your room doing whatever you want, with music playing and a mirror optional.

I don’t think crunches are bad for everyone, but for me when I wanted to burn belly fat, I found the above three exercises to be effective and fun.


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