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5 Creative Ways to Make Playtime a Learning Experience for Your Child

Playtime is one of the most fun activities that children love. It is also a long-awaited activity, especially during weekends and summer vacations, when children have a long time without going to school. But learning outside of school is possible, and it doesn’t have to be boring all the time. By incorporating fun learning activities, parents can ensure that their children are always well informed, whether they are in or out of the classroom.

1. Play the “homework game”

Who says playing and doing housework can’t mix? The “homework game” is a parent-child activity that you can always play while the kids are at home. It helps develop your child’s sense of responsibility while showing him how to do it and what items go with it.

For example, in the garden, you can let your child identify the tools he will use to weed and grow his tomatoes. Another is that when you’re cleaning the house, you can ask your child to identify a household item and associate it with a particular use.

2. Walks through nature and sighting of flora and fauna

Trips to nature, such as a walk in the park or just hanging out in your backyard, can be very educational for your children. You can go bird watching, spot insects, or identify the various shapes of leaves as you walk by them.

Another is going to the beach. If your kids love to build sandcastles, you can teach them about shapes and how to be creative with them. By letting your children feel and use the sand to create their works of art, you allow them to explore their creativity without even convincing them.

3. Turn that wall into a children’s art gallery

Children love to use crayons, pencils, and colored pens. But most of them love to use these colorful markers on the walls of their house! Yes, many children use the walls of their houses to draw and write their names. There are coloring books and sketch pads, but a huge wall is perfect for doodling and large-scale drawing.

Instead of telling your kids not to draw or write anything on your big blank wall, tell them you’ll let them use it to create their artwork. It’s rewarding for your children to enjoy their freedom without being scolded, because expressing their resourceful creativity is a way of conveying how they see the world around them. By allowing them to express their creativity, it also allows them to improve and grow their craft over time.

4. Bake, cook and play at the same time

The fun part of baking and cooking is often tasting the finished meals and cakes. But this time, let your kids help you with the preparation from start to finish. Going to the supermarket is the first step, since there are many things that your child can see and learn from this place. Grocery shopping can be playtime for a child, so why not take that opportunity to teach them how to identify ingredients, use math to calculate price differences, and count the correct amount of money when it’s time to pay at the counter?

At home, you can designate ingredient measuring, mixing, and finishing touches before the actual cooking or baking. When it’s time to serve the cakes, let your child decorate and plate them correctly with your guide, of course. If it’s a home-cooked meal, let your child garnish the food and serve it to family or guests. These small gestures give your children a sense of pride and accomplishment, even if it’s normal for you.

5. TV or movie time can be a fun time.

Television shows, such as the long-running children’s show Sesame Street, are a fun and educational way to allow your children to learn about the characters, both adults and children. An animated movie like Pocahontas tells a historical story while Hercules tells of a legendary God based on mythology.

Letting your children enjoy and learn can be challenging. But with the help of practical parenting tactics, household items, playtime stuff, and your goal of making your kids enjoy, it’s possible to learn something from playtime, and it’s worth it.


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