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Health Fitness

5 Steps to Getting into the Diet Mindset

Do you ever get frustrated about your weight and just want to be slim, but the thought of going on a diet makes you want to cry? Getting into the diet mindset is crucial if you are going to be successful starting out and also sticking to your diet plan.

Feeling frustrated and struggling to get into the diet mindset is not unusual, so if you feel this way, don’t worry, you’re not alone, most overweight people feel this way at some point. After all, the first 3 letters of the word diet spell DIE! Most people view dieting as a time of deprivation, sacrifice, and pain. However, the reward of sticking to a diet, feeling your clothes loosen, looking in the mirror and smiling as your face and body transform into a new, leaner, healthier you—that feeling is one of the feelings most incredible you can experience. you can experiment and it makes it all worth it.

Most people can feel consumed by negative emotions when overweight, and this can lead to comfort eating, which only adds to the problem. If you want to get into the diet mindset zone, here are 5 steps you can take to get into the right mindset.

Step 1 – Take control and admit that your health, weight and emotions are all your responsibility and that you can decide what weight you want to be and how you want to feel about yourself.

Step 2 – Clarify your reasons WHY you want to lose weight, how does being overweight make you feel, how does it affect your emotions, confidence, relationships, career, health, social life? Download the new wheel of your life to help you with this exercise.

Step 3 – Visualize yourself living life on your goal. How does it feel? As you look? What are you wearing? Who are you with? What are you doing? How happy do you feel? How proud are you?

Step 4 – Be prepared to pay the price. If you want to look and feel amazing, it’s not going to happen overnight. You will need to invest time, money, and energy into your goal. But what is more important than your health and well-being? Also keep in mind that by NOT taking action, you will also have to pay the price of constant feelings of frustration about being overweight and the impact this can have on your overall health, happiness, and life.

Step 5 – Decide to get started and set some goals. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. On your weight loss journey, it’s important to break your journey into smaller, achievable goals and celebrate your success each time you reach a milestone. You can download your new Diet Wall Chart with Weight Loss Goals and Rewards.


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