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3 Ways CD Keys Help Game Developers and Publishers Fight Piracy

Peer-to-peer networks and various other Internet portals have been known to contribute to video game piracy. Developers and publishers spend a lot of time and money to create the latest games. It takes years of research, innovation, creativity, and efforts to build a game that appeals to fans. The investment is usually in the order of millions of dollars. The least the developers expect is their fair share of the revenue earned from the games.

But piracy seems to disrupt all of that. The developers have simply had to watch their hard work go to waste as people made illegal copies of the games and sold them with unauthorized keys that were pretty easy to replicate by anyone with the right tools and just the right amount of knowledge. technicians.

And just when things got worse, the games were given CD keys that were not only platform specific, but also specific to each copy of the game. Now this made it absolutely difficult for games to be subject to piracy. And with developments in Internet technologies, these keys are now not only used to access the game, but are also used to download games for consoles and desktop platforms that have cloud services. Check out the following benefits of CD keys that are actually helping game developers fight piracy.

CD keys are specific to each copy of the game

Game publishers / developers are making use of advanced keys that are not only very specific to each copy of the game, but also aligned with the specific platform that the game supports. Also, since the games are now offered on cloud services, you must obtain genuine serial codes to download the game. This has significantly eliminated the possibility of piracy.

Keys once activated cannot be reused

The one-time use feature was also available for previous games, but there was the possibility to use it as a basis for regenerating matching keys or nearly compatible keys. There was also the possibility that a particular serial code would work for another copy of the game. Those opportunities weren’t that frequent, but it might have worked out of sheer luck. Now, CD key vendors have implemented strict quality controls, in which the authenticity of each key they obtain from the publisher is verified before it is shipped. If someone tries to sell it after use, then the key would be of no use. With the growing awareness of legal serial codes, customers are less susceptible to such threats as they would rather buy from a genuine source rather than search for such keys on the internet.

Various additional benefits are provided along with CD keys

By providing value-added benefits such as discounted downloadable content, season passes, and consultation assistance, CD key providers are encouraging people to support authentic serial codes. These benefits can never be provided to those who have simply extracted the keys from some forum or portal on the net.


Games are fun and attract a lot of people’s attention, but they can be made even more fun if you get something real with all the perks and benefits. It may seem quite insignificant, but if you consider the perspective of the game developers, the codes have the potential to have a significant positive impact on the revenue they make from sales. This is a big step towards fighting piracy and giving players the experience they deserve.


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