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A House Cleaning Checklist to Save You Time

For some of you, cleanliness is second nature and you have no problem keeping a clean and tidy home. For the rest of us, we’re just doing our best to keep up, but we could really benefit from a visit from the house cleaning fairy. Since this probably isn’t going to happen, the best I can give you is the Cleaning Fairy’s House Cleaning Checklist. Armed with a list of when and how often certain jobs need to be done, you’ll feel less overwhelmed and can clean your home quickly and easily.

Let’s start with the daily house cleaning checklist. The goal here isn’t to overwhelm yourself, but if you do it regularly, these tasks will be easier to conquer in small doses rather than waiting for them to get out of hand. In the kitchen, wipe down counters, wash dishes or put them in the dishwasher, wipe up spills from the stove, and sweep the floor. Next, conquer the paper clutter. Get and sort mail, put homework and other everyday papers in their proper place, recycle all junk mail and old papers. In the bathroom, hang towels, put dirty clothes in hamper, and clear counters (one bin for each person is a great way to do this easily). Remove the clothes immediately at the end of the drying cycle, fold them and put them away. This one thing will prevent ironing later! Throw all the toys in the bins. Make the beds.

Here are the tasks for the weekly house cleaning checklist. Dust all shelves, furniture, and fixtures. Vacuum and damp mop all floors in the house. In the bathroom, clean the shower/tub, toilet, sink, and fixtures. Spray and clean the mirrors and metal finishes in your home. In the kitchen, wipe down appliance fronts and wipe down countertop appliances. Clean the inside of the microwave and scrub the stove. Open the fridge and get rid of the old leftovers. Change and wash bedding. Clean televisions and computer monitors. sweep the halls of the garage

Monthly wash dirty walls, wipe handprints off doors, and clean woodwork. Vacuum upholstered furniture, especially under cushions. Dust mini blinds. Polish wood furniture and clean/condition leather furniture. In the kitchen, wipe down the inside of the refrigerator and oven, and vacuum and wipe down the inside of frequently used drawers. Wash comforters, bedspreads, and mattress covers, and turn the mattress over. Dust your ceiling fans and change the filters on your heating or air unit. Give your garage a good sweep.

Here is the house cleaning checklist to use twice a year. Dry clean down comforters. Wash the curtains. Vacuum behind bedroom furniture, under beds, and all closets. In the kitchen, wipe down the inside of all cabinets and drawers. Clean under and to the side of the refrigerator and vacuum coils. Wash around, under, and behind washer and dryer, and clean dryer vents. Change the batteries in your smoke detector. Deep clean the garage and put away all the Christmas decorations.

  • Wash curtains and drapes, clean blinds
  • Dry Cleaning Down Comforters
  • Vacuum under beds and behind dressers
  • Vacuum inside cabinets
  • Dust refrigerator coils, vacuum/wash space around refrigerator
  • Clean the inside of cabinets and drawers
  • Take out the washer and wash the walls and floor around the washer/dryer
  • Vacuum back of dryer, clean dryer vent
  • Replace batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors
  • Clean out the garage, store seasonal items in bins on the shelves
  • Have carpeted stairs professionally cleaned and protected with Scotch-Guard.

Annual House Cleaning Checklist

  • Have the oven/air conditioner cleaned
  • Cleaning carpets or carpets
  • clean upholstered furniture
  • Go through toys and clothing – give away or sell unwanted items

Use daylight saving time or the change of seasons to remind yourself of items on your house cleaning checklist

Schedule the tasks you do two to four times a year for the dates that are already on your calendar. For example, change the batteries in your smoke detector when you set your clock back or forward, or clean your ceiling fans on the first day of a new season. You get the idea!


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