
The inventions you need.


Abundance will enhance your ability to give: donate abundant time, talent or energy when giving

*** A bun dance sounds like so much fun! (LOL) Especially when it’s meant to be written together. Although you can get nervous and dance when you are happy and have reaped abundance with your own effort. Abundance is experienced by anyone who decides to take control of the course in the way they do things habitually or on a daily basis. There are many additional effects and benefits in finding ways to add or incur additional wealth for yourself. Did you know that it is a Universal Law that indicates: You will reap to the same extent or more than what you put into the Universe!

My perspective for such a statement is this: if you want more love, energy, money, time skills, recognition, or more of anything, then that is where you need to focus and concentrate. Add MORE or as energy, effort: Put MORE of anything, where you would like to harvest, into abundant effort, and you will receive abundantly!

Let’s say, for example, you’re a car salesman and you want to earn the trust of more attentive and devoted customers. What could you do to get back the desired results? You could learn and research more about four different categories that affect vehicle sales. Know the safety, recall actions or maximum mileage statistics or information and be a consumer conscious marketer as well as a consumer advocate for EVERYONE who crosses your path. Sometimes you’ll make a sale and sometimes you won’t. Although the time and energy will not be in vain. NO WAY! The effort will be made and you can definitely bring a client to you by referral from a client who enjoyed your service. Perhaps they felt that you could benefit one of their friends, relatives, or even co-workers in buying cars, or that you could provide them with great information and meet their quality needs.

That’s just one example of how obtaining and sharing a wealth of information helps inform others, shares joy, and brings a warm feeling from the heart of the source to the heart of the receiver. This is where the energy grows wings of abundance that you are living and giving with purpose, feeling alive and spreading your joy to others. Once a word of abundant information or assistance is given without expecting anything, the law of abundance is recorded and the energy released will return to the source from which the abundance was initially expelled, prompting the source to reap abundance for itself! ! Abundance is a dance that will improve your ability to give. Donate your time, talent or energy and reap more abundance by giving!

If you are abundantly brutally dishonest with a blatant tendency to manipulate people, places, and events, rest assured that you have put the law of abundance into practice to reap more of the same energy you put into your periphery. Never think that you can get away with stealing, cheating, lying or scheming for your livelihood. Your heart and mind and pulse of abundant energy know that you will have your day of reckoning. You will suffer a worse fate than the one you caused others to suffer by your cunning, greed or underhanded way of making a living. Cheating and thinking you’re over someone will catch up with you faster than you can imagine. That is the law of attraction in action. Not so much fun, huh?

A bun dance or really ABUNDANCE is a dance we do daily to make our Universe and the Universe of others become more heart centered, less self centered and more beneficial to others. Returning abundance to the source or place that released the energy in the first place is a great way to live. Everyone wins and the energy of Abundance is put to work in powerful ways.

If you use the RECIPROCATING effect of abundance, you probably won’t want to reap or receive what you get. It will come back to you anyway, so do the best, most abundantly positive things you accomplish every day and watch the world change around you!

***I enjoy learning from you and others offering me knowledge and abundance of love every day!~


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