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AdWords Marketing: Razor Sharp Keyword Research Secrets Revealed

One of the most important steps in AdWords marketing is researching profitable keywords to include in your campaigns. In fact, fix that. It is perhaps the most important part of your AdWords campaign! The right keywords can determine a profitable campaign or a campaign that explodes.

Here are the secret steps to sharp keyword research:

1. Brainstorm a list of keywords

Start brainstorming to create a list of keywords that relate well to your product. Think of the words and phrases your customers might use to find your product. What words and phrases could they use to find information related to your product? Also check the page source of other websites for ideas, Wikipedia and book glossaries to generate more keywords.

2. Expand your keyword list

Expand your keyword list by connecting it to Wordtracker and let it spit out more keywords. If you want to go a step further, you can also use the AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool to get more keywords to add to your list.

3. Optimize your keyword list

Now is to eliminate those keywords that do not directly relate to your product. Enter your keywords in the AdWords Wrapper tool at Mikes-Marketing-Tools dot com to expand your keywords into phrase match and exact match as well. Now is the time to start testing your keyword list in a real world campaign. Eliminate keywords that don’t work and bid higher for those keywords that pay dividends in the form of sales or subscriptions.


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