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Alcohol and testosterone: how to increase testosterone naturally

Testosterone is the hormone that turns boys into men. It is this hormone that is behind aggressive male behavior. Not only this, it is also the hormone that controls sexual desire or libido and erectile function in men.

Although age is a major factor that can influence your testosterone levels, there are some lifestyle issues that are also at play.

Alcohol and Testosterone

Testosterone also has potential to burn fat. It is the hormone that gives men their lean and angular physique. However, this fat loss effect of testosterone is reduced by alcohol consumption. It somewhat depreciates the fat-burning ability of testosterone.

But this is not all!

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone and is the hormone behind muscle growth. It helps in the growth of lean muscles in your body. A drop in testosterone levels therefore results in a reduction in lean muscle mass. Reduced lean muscle means low metabolic rate.

A drop in your metabolic rate makes it harder for your body to burn fat. Not only this, it also means reduced energy levels.

Therefore, alcohol not only lowers testosterone levels, but also causes a slow metabolism.

There are several studies that conclude that alcohol can lower testosterone. This is because it tends to increase the level of estrogen in the blood. Estrogen reduces the production of testosterone in your body.

An increased level of estrogen in your body and a reduced ability to burn fat, results in increased fat accumulation over time. The worst thing is that excess body fat increases the level of estrogen even more. So it becomes a vicious cycle and you keep gaining weight.

There is one more effect of alcohol that should be taken into account:

Alcohol can increase your appetite. There is ample evidence that when alcohol is consumed before a meal, it can cause you to eat much more than usual. This can further increase your body weight.

As such, the best way to stay lean and muscular is to avoid alcohol.

how to increase testosterone naturally

Here are some diet tips to increase the production of testosterone in your body:

1. Increase your protein intake

2. Reduce carbohydrate intake as carbohydrates increase the level of insulin which negatively affects testosterone production.

3. Include Essential Fats in your diet in moderation. Such fats are the building blocks of anabolic steroid hormones like testosterone. However, you should also avoid having too much fat.

4. Include in your diet minerals like zinc, magnesium, and selenium that your body needs for testosterone production.

natural testosterone supplements

In addition to the above, there are some herbal and 100% natural testosterone supplements that can stimulate the production of testosterone and HGH in your body.

Such supplements can be of great help in helping you get a slim and fit body. They can boost your energy levels and also ensure better libido and powerful erections. Not only this, they can also help increase bone density so that you have stronger bones. These supplements can also help elevate mood and improve sleep quality. It is worth noting that irritable behavior and mood swings are one of the effects of low testosterone on your body.

Good quality supplements are clinically tested and have no side effects.

So if you want to increase your testosterone production, check out the best natural testosterone supplement that has become a huge hit with men all over the world.


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