
The inventions you need.


Alternative fuels for cars and trucks

For more than a century, the gasoline internal combustion engine has given us dependable service, but it’s been around for quite some time, as you can see.

In 1876, Nikolaus Otto, in collaboration with Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach, developed a practical four-stroke cycle engine (Otto cycle). 1879 saw Karl Benz, working independently, awarded a patent for his internal combustion engine, a reliable two-stroke gasoline engine, based on Otto’s design of the four-stroke engine. Later, Benz designed and built his own four-stroke engine that was used in his cars, which became the first cars in production. 1893 Rudolf Diesel patented the diesel engine and in 1900 he demonstrated his engine at the 1900 Universal Exposition (World’s Fair) using peanut oil as fuel.

However, today the engine remains basically the same as when it was first invented. We still put the same old fuels in and in return they are pumped out the exhaust as noxious gases. It is these gases that constitute the main problem, since they pollute the environment and add to global warming.

So why do we let this continue? We all know it’s bad for us, but we keep going regardless. Me included was just as bad. Then, a while ago, I heard about the use of water, as well as my usual diesel, and that interested me.

Water? yes water! You see, one of the main elements in water is hydrogen, millions of particles of the material, and it is these particles that are drawn out and mixed with the fuel as it enters the engine. It is brilliant!

You get more MPG, the same horsepower, the engine runs cooler and that means less wear and tear. And above all, you don’t spend as much money at the pump when you refuel. That has to be good.

Now you don’t need to be reminded that fuel prices are through the roof, and now more than ever we need to use a viable alternative.

But does all this work?

Sure it does. If you think about it, gasoline vehicles are not new. During the Second World War many vehicles ran on Coal gas and more recently we have LPG, the only difference is that instead of having to stop at a gas station to refuel, with this system the gas is made on the go.

And another thing, Hydrogen gives a cleaner combustion being the exhaust only steam of Water. Isn’t that good news for the environment?


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