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attractive energy fields

The attractive energy fields are the reason why alcoholics are prone to remain in the state of alcoholism. And that’s why people stay in relationships that are painful and difficult. And also why some people spend their entire lives complaining about how unfair life is. But it is also how some people let go of all the attractions of the world and raise their consciousness so that they can experience heightened states of joy and bliss.

Every experience in life has an energetic component. The alcoholic has the experience of it, as does the scientist, the dancer, the athlete, and the person behind the counter at McDonald’s.

These energy components are like vortices because it is difficult to get out of control of energy. Something like the gravitational field of a planet.

According to Dr. David R. Hawkins, author of power vs strength, there is a continuum of energy fields in the human condition. Through more than 20 years of kinesiology testing (more than a million tests worldwide), he was able to map the continuum of human consciousness, which runs from the low end of the spectrum to pity-which measures in at 20 on his logarithmic scale, all the way to the top of the spectrum-Divine grace gold infinite consciousness– which calibrates at 1000 – which represents the energy of the Avatar – the great awakeners of the world such as Jesus, Buddha and Krishna.

So how do you go from a lower level, like shame, to a higher level of courage or love? Hawkins’ research shows that it is extremely rare for a person to make much progress in their life. If a person is born at a level of 175, that person will remain at or very close to that level for their entire lifetime. But there are exceptions, and how those exceptional people achieve this is the focus of this article.

The principle that makes it rare for someone to ascend to a higher energy state is like attracts like. If someone has an energy calibration of a certain frequency, then those are the kinds of experiences and events that attract him or her. An example that comes to mind is someone who calibrates at the 175 level, which typifies pride, would be attracted to the US Marines, who also calibrates at 175.

The person who calibrates to a much lower level can be recruited by the Marines, but that’s the guy who will end up with a dishonorable discharge, if the lower energy pull is too strong to release.

Everything has energy. Music, books, words, food, drugs, alcohol and principles like freedom, unity, courage, have their corresponding effect. You always have a choice. Do you want to be conscious or unconscious? Do you want to be unifying or dividing? This is not a time for dogmatism, but it is a time for authority, the authority that comes from the presence.

A person of a higher level, such as joy, who calibrates at 540, would not be attracted to the type of music that calibrates at 100.

A poet who calibrates at a level of 540, the level of joy, will not be attracted to words that calibrate at the lower levels.

When a person “discovers” or has a vision of a new facet of life at a much higher level than he is accused of, significant progress is possible, but the lower energy patterns have to be abandoned by the others. Taller. A person can be inspired while in the presence of someone with a much higher energy calibration, but the inspiration will not last.

It takes time for a person to tune into a higher energy vibration. A person may be inspired by reading a spiritually charged book, such as the New Testament Gospels or the Bhagavad Gita, but the inspiration will not last if lower attraction patterns pull the inspired person back to lower energy levels. A new life has to replace the old life.

I once had a dream in which a spiritual teacher, Meher Baba, was holding a tuning fork, vibrating and creating a pure and beautiful sound. He said that was his vibration and that it was my job to become that same vibration. I asked him how and he told me “constantly reminding me”. That is the principle that is discussed here.

The key to progress is choosing the higher attraction patterns over the lower ones. This is how 12-step programs like AA have been able to help people, along with their higher power, overcome the grip of addiction.

When the addicted person discovers a purpose in life that transcends the requirements of the physical body, and that becomes the central focus of consciousness, then progress occurs. Spirituality becomes a genuine lifelong endeavor.

A person could spend 40 years focused on politics or sports and be addicted to the energy of those worlds (the gravitational fields of those worlds) and have no idea there was an addiction. But an addiction is something that cannot be stopped. So if you can’t stop watching TV, reading the gossip columns, or watching ESPN, then the energy calibration of that “past tense” is preventing your consciousness from rising to a higher level of awareness.

Hawkins tells us: “Kinesiological tests showed that a fairly typical television show caused test subjects to weaken 113 times during a single episode. Each of these weakening events suppressed the viewer’s immune system and reflected an insult to the immune system.” central and autonomic nervous system of the viewer. He goes on to say that each negative entry brought the viewer closer to eventual illness and impending depression, which is now the most prevalent illness in the world.

“But that’s what everyone does,” you might say. TRUE. And yet, 85 percent of humanity lives at a lower than normal vibration, which is not conducive to growth. It’s almost a brainwashing of the whole society. And the tragedy is that we as a society are so convinced that this is the best that life has to offer. As Hawkins states in his book, “truth is whatever is subjectively compelling at one’s current level of perception. At lower levels of consciousness, propositions are accepted as true even when they are illogical, unfounded, and express principles that They cannot be proven intellectually or in practice.” demonstrable.”

To get out of the clutches of the “seemingly important” but ultimately destructive aspects of life, and the familiarity of its energy and addictive qualities, you must constantly choose the principles and sources of the higher over the lower.

An alcoholic does not sober up by having a drink sometimes and not others. He does this by trusting in his higher power and consciously and constantly choosing what raises his energy level instead of what lowers it, what strengthens him instead of what weakens him.

Negative thoughts and emotions are enough for old energy patterns to resurface. It may seem justified to feel angry or depressed, but it is useless and counterproductive.

You may be angry or depressed about something because that is how everyone else reacts to similar situations. But remember, the vast majority of the world’s population is at a destructive level of energy and consciousness.

The vast majority of people have no idea that higher states of consciousness are possible, states where the perception of unity pervades everything, where joy and divine love are constant companions, where bliss is the normal state of being. , not a drug induced high.

It is difficult to keep the inner focus on the higher values ​​that are beyond the desires of the physical body, that elevate, that inspire. In my life, despite having had many life-changing spiritual experiences, I found myself dragged back and forth into the “real world” of the news.

For eight years, I worked at the Los Angeles Times, talking to newspaper editors every day from coast to coast, discussing the news. My job was to sell news to other newspapers. She had to make him look even more attractive than he really was. The news has a sense of seduction. It seems very important, but most of the time it takes us away from what is important. The world of wholeness, peace, unity, and consciousness is usurped by the world of fragmentation, scarcity, and fear. (By the way, when was the last time you read a story in a major newspaper about wholeness and oneness or consciousness?) We don’t read about how many people are hugged in a day; we read about how many are stabbed or shot.

The focus on crime, war and violence only leads to more crime, war and violence. Like attracts like.

As Buddha said, hate never ends hate. Only love ends hate.

Darkness can never end darkness. So add some light to the world. Don’t be a victim of the news, or anything else. As Gandhi said, be the change you want to bring about. Being in that 15 percent group that counteracts the 85 percent. That will give meaning to his life and that, in turn, is enough to lift his spirit even higher on an ever-ascending spiral of light.


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