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Basic dog training tips to tame your dog

Every dog ​​owner should know some basic dog training methods as these aspects will be very useful in everyday life to train your dog various basic and useful techniques on dog obedience, developing desirable results and encouraging excellent behavior for dogs. your dog.

command difficulty

Always start teaching your puppy or dog the easiest commands possible so that the more difficult ones are easier to learn at a later stage. Remember, slow and steady. Your dog would not be able to follow advanced skills and that will frustrate both you and your pet.

The 12 most important basic dog training commands for any dog ​​owner are:










leave it alone

Drop it


1. Consistency of commands

Basic dog training methods can be taught efficiently and effectively by repeating the same commands, signaling the desired action, reinforcing good behavior, and holding your pet’s attention. You need to do this many times throughout the day, including during playtime and while walking your dog. An excited tone should be used to encourage good behavior and a stern voice for bad behavior.

2. Schedule your dog’s training

Dogs respond best to short, sharp commands, so training times with your dog should be short, intense, and engaging so that he doesn’t lose focus, interest, and the ability to respond to demands. Dogs do NOT do well with long words or complicated pronunciations.

3. Praise and reward your dog

Always praise and reward your dog the moment it responds to your commands. Rewards can be represented by game time or food so that the learning process gradually improves. If you decide to reward your dog with food, remember to give it a small treat and not a treat. Once your dog has learned your commands and hand signals, start giving him smaller rewards.

4. Avoid giving in to your pet’s every wish.

Many dog ​​owners tend to overlook this because… “isn’t it hard to say no to a fluffy pup”? Always exercise discipline first and then affection. Never give treats just because your dog gives you a pity or a cute look, but only when he behaves properly. Don’t coddle your dog. Rewarding them with incentives without them earning them will degrade the value of the reward given when they behave well.


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