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Benefits of a citrus juicer

Is there anything better than a glass of ice cold orange juice on a hot day or first thing in the morning? If you’re a fan of citrus juices, you’re probably used to drinking carton orange and grapefruit juices, or even buying frozen juice containers that require you to mix your own water with frozen orange pulp. Let me tell you, buying yourself a citrus juicer is a great way to ensure you’re getting the freshest, most nutritious juice you can drink.

First of all, I like knowing that I’m drinking juice squeezed from oranges that were actually ripe when I squeezed them. How much juice from a carton or frozen juice do you think is actually derived from citrus that has been properly ripened? Not much, I bet.

Second, nutritionists will tell you that drinking juice of any kind shortly after squeezing it from the fruit or vegetable is the best way to get all the benefits of the fruit, without allowing the nutrients to oxidize and become less potent.

Cost-wise, you’ll spend more for your morning glass of orange juice, but I can report that it’s been a worthwhile expense in my experience. Plus, by strategically buying large bunches of oranges and other citrus when they’re available, it’s pretty easy to keep your fresh fruit costs down. I now know the hours of the farmers markets in my town by heart and make it a point to visit every weekend to get my supply of fruit for the week.

The cost of a juicer doesn’t have to exceed $20 or $30 if you get a small electric juicer that requires you to press half an orange or grapefruit into a rotating cone to produce its juice. If you have a large family or would like to produce large amounts of juice at once, there are also commercial juicers available for a couple hundred dollars or even more. However, you certainly don’t need to spend that much money.

For me, getting a good quality citrus juicer and deciding to buy several pounds of oranges for a few dollars a week has been a positive lifestyle change that I am very glad I made. It’s one of those little upgrades you can do to improve the quality of your diet and I would recommend it to anyone. Especially if you live in a semi-agricultural area where roadside fruit stands abound – you may never want to eat eight or 10 oranges or grapefruits in one sitting, but squeeze them all into a wonderfully healthy jug of juice. and nutritious is suddenly a convenient option, armed with your new citrus juicer.


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