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Health Fitness

Book Review Recipe for Disease-Free Living by Aajonus Vonderplanitz

Aajonus Vonderplanitz is known to be an eccentric healer who suggests lots of raw meat, raw fat, and some stinky raw rotten meats for healing. This book enlightens the reader about the science and long experience behind those recommendations. By the end of reading this book, you’ll want to experiment with the Primal Diet for yourself.

In volume 1, Aajonus begins by giving a colorful background on how he had learned about these things from experience healing his own illnesses and those of his patients. He then goes on to explain the true causes of the disease, the toxicity, and how to reverse it. Aajonus modifies his curiosity about why he eats cooked foods and processed foods and the seemingly funny but frequently asked question is can we digest raw food? Then there are the issues of bacteria, sleep, and bowel movements.

In volume 2, Aajonus explains about flavor and explains more about the best raw foods and food combining for proper digestion and assimilation. Aajonus goes on to optimize his raw food diet in a recipe for deep tissue detoxification, weight loss, travel and baby food. Below are all the important recipes, how to make them and what they are good for to treat what health conditions. Read, reread, print this section and keep a bound copy in your kitchen.

In volume 3, Aajonus explains more about the science of nutrition, the cholesterol myth, and why real raw foods are better than processed supplements.

In Volume 4, Aajonus exposes the misguided direction of modern Western medicine, how its misconceptions of disease, germs, and parasites have harmed millions of people around the world.

This book belongs to your little library of must-read and must-have books for reference. Aajonus’s experiences not only as a raw foodist for a long time, but as a healer of many people for a long time are a treasure that must be documented and preserved. It is unfortunate that I found myself lactose intolerant and cannot consume raw dairy. But aside from my dairy intolerance, I find the principles laid out by Aajonus to be all sound.

The book The Recipe for Disease-Free Living is the second book by Aajonus Vonderplanitz after he wrote his first book, The Primary Diet: We Want to Live. It is available at http://storesonline.com/site/811618/page/1840437


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