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Bosch coffee maker and espresso maker family review: Tassimo and Benvenuto B20-B30

As the leader in housewares and kitchen appliances, the Swiss company Bosch offers one of the widest ranges of coffee makers and espresso machines available at a retailer. They have quality coffee makers that range in price from as little as $160 to a high quality commercial machine priced at $2300. They are known for their durable workmanship and excellent features.

Bosch Tassimo Single Serve Coffee Maker: The Tassimo is Bosch’s one-cup unit capable of not only brewing your coffee, but also hot teas, hot chocolate, cappuccinos, and lattes (with milk). It uses what are known as T-Discs (Tassimo discs) that contain meticulously measured amounts of each ingredient needed for your drink. It then uses its barcode technology, where the unit scans the barcode on the T-disk, determines which beverage you have selected, and brews it perfectly, automatically adjusting for the best brew time, amount of water, and perfect temperature. In less than a minute you’ll have a single cup of your favorite hot drink that tastes just like your favorite coffee shop brew! The system is easy to use and requires very little cleanup.

Bosch Benvenuto B20 super-automatic espresso machine: With an average price of $1,700, the Benvenuto B20 is a complete high-end espresso, coffee, cappuccino, and latte brewing system. It is rich in many features but has a relatively low learning curve, making it perfect for beginners or professionals. It has a conical burr grinder that produces the best beans without burning the beans. The grinding wheel is strong and requires very little maintenance. The water tank holds nearly a half gallon and includes a grab handle for easy removal. There is a feature on the unit that will alert you to low water pressures. The bean hopper holds a half pound of ground coffee and produces up to thirty cups of coffee before it needs to be refilled. The spent grounds are then sent to an internal dump box. It is self-cleaning with a pump pressure of 15 bar. The drink selection menu allows you to select a variety of drink sizes, from small espresso shots to extra-large coffee. Froth the milk, creating the perfect foam. The Benevenuto B20 is perfect for small business and office environments.

The Bosch Benvenuto B30 espresso machine includes all the wonderful features of the B20, with the main difference being the digital display on top of the unit.


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