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Box Training a Golden Retriever Puppy – 5 Reasons You Should

Golden Retrievers are one of the most loved dogs and the favorite breed of dog to pet. Why do you think this is the case? Well, being a golden retriever enthusiast myself, I have personally learned and experienced that golden retrievers are fun loving dogs. They have a very pleasant disposition and are considered one of the friendliest. In fact, they are not recommended to become guard dogs, as they can easily make friends with a stranger. I also have first-hand experience of his intelligence. I never had a problem training my dogs. And one of the basic trainings that I provide is crate training for golden retriever puppies.

For some enthusiasts, putting their gold pieces in a box is considered a punishment. However, I am going to contradict this misconception. In fact, based on my personal experience, crate training a puppy is one of the wisest decisions I’ve ever made. There are several reasons why you should seriously consider crate training your puppy. And I will share with you some of these in this article.

1. It is the safest place where you can put your puppy. Think of the crate as your puppy’s crib. You’ll feel safe leaving your pup behind while you take care of something pretty important without worrying about making a mess.

2. You save your house from total destruction. Do you know that just like young children, golden retriever puppies can be very rebellious? You have to understand that they are exploring their new home and want to experience every part of their new territory. Therefore, his tendency is to bite and chew on anything within his reach…furniture included. I’m sure you never want to ruin your home again just because you didn’t believe in crate training for golden retriever puppies.

3. It is a way of disciplining your gold. You can associate their experience with the box with warm and tender memories. This can be positive reinforcement for him. Let’s say, for example, that you want it to behave in a certain way; you can use the crate as a place to reinforce this behavior. And by giving him rewards, whether it’s food or toys, he’ll associate his cage with feeling good and repeat the good behavior you want him to establish.

4. You can use crate training as a supplement to potty training. You’re probably wondering, don’t they contradict each other? Well, to some extent it can be. But, in general, the location of your box can be a factor. By placing his crate outside the house and giving him easy access to get in and out of the house, you can associate the location of his crate so that it is close to his potty area. So when you feel like answering the call of the wild, you can just get out of your box and do it.

5. Lastly, crate training your puppy can be a great way to build a good relationship with your pet. By allowing your puppy to have fun and play with you while you go through the training process, you are not only ensuring his safety, but also developing this special bond with him.


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