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Brad Duncan – The secret weapon used by the great leader of Amway to build a huge downline

Have you ever wondered how the heck a regular guy like Brad Duncan can build a great organization?

We have all spearheaded these success stories that occur in all MLM business models. Over the years I have seen many motivational speakers. They all have their strengths and weaknesses. Some are fun, while others are very passionate. Everybody has their own style.

Brad Duncan has become a great Amway leader over the years using his greatest attribute. Brad can “paint a dream” like no other person in the MLM industry. He describes a vision in such detail that his audience cannot help but see it for themselves. He had a big dream for his life. Many people have dreams, but his was so well defined that it became a crystal clear vision.

Brad Duncan did not become a great Amway leader overnight. Like many MLM leaders, he struggled for a long time early in his career with Amway in the 1980’s. Brad started out with a big dream. He also started his business with his brother Greg. They lived together in the early stages of their Amway career. I think they talked about their dreams with each other almost every day. This is probably what made the dreams so focused that they became a vision.

If you want to be the next Brad Duncan at Amway or any other MLM business, you must learn to do what Brad and Greg did. They did some things that every successful MLM business leader has done. Anyone can do this by simply following a few rules that 98% of people don’t follow.

Let’s define the difference between a dream and a vision. A dream is a vague idea or wish, while a vision is a crystal clear image that you can see. I mean down to the last detail.

That’s what Brad has done. He talked and thought about his dream every day. Each time the image lightened a little. They clarify that the dream becomes the closer it gets to a vision. When you can see the vision then you begin to believe that it can happen for you.

Here is an example:

You have the dream of financial independence. This is a common goal for many in the MLM industry. We all want to retire early and enjoy a great lifestyle. The problem is that that’s where most stop with the visualization process. They then go and start building an MLM business by striving towards this goal. After diving into all the details of building an online MLM business, they lose sight of the dream.

The dream must become a crystal clear vision to reach high levels of achievement. What does financial independence mean to you? How much will his net worth have to be? What is the monthly income needed to reach this goal? What will your daily life be like? What cool things will you buy? Focus the dream into a vision.

If you want to be like Brad Duncan and earn tons of money and achieve your goals in this industry, then you have to crystallize your dream into a vision. After you have a vision for your future, you can take action. Most people run out of warm market leads soon after they start. Getting warm new leads becomes a big challenge for most at this point.


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