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Breastfeeding is important for your baby

The arrival of a new baby is a life-changing experience for each and every woman. For most women it will be a dream come true. It is the duty of all parents to provide healthy and nutritious food for the successful psychological and physiological development of their baby.

Breast milk is the best food for babies during the first 6 months. From the 6th month solid foods can be introduced along with breast milk. Some studies reveal that babies who consume breast milk for a long time may have a good IQ in the future. Breast milk contains all the vital nutrients for the overall growth of the baby. Breast milk is the perfect combination of cells, hormones, antibodies, fat, sugar, water, protein, and other nutrients that help the baby fight against various bacterial and viral diseases.

Right after delivery, breast milk is very thick and yellowish in color, known as “colostrum.” Some reports state that more than 50% of mothers are reluctant to give this first milk to their child. But this liquid will give your baby strength and help develop immunity to cope with the new environment.

Most of the mothers are confused that breast milk is enough for their babies. During the first six months, breast milk is enough to cover all your baby’s needs; Surprisingly, your baby does not even require water for her survival in this period. Breast milk is also very easy to digest.

Breastfeeding is an easy task. Since the milk is delivered directly from the breast to the baby’s mouth, it is safer than any other formula milk. It will also provide protection against ear infections, pneumonia, allergy-related diseases, leukemia, diabetes, sudden infant death syndromes, etc. Joint research by the WHO and the United States Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (AHRQ) shows that breast milk has the ability to reduce acute inflammatory disease in infants. intestines (necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) of premature babies. According to the University of Wisconsin study, babies who are ideally breastfed have less chance of developing breast cancer and cardiovascular disease in the future According to the latest research, breast milk has the ability to enhance the growth of your baby’s muscles and bone tissues.Nucleotides in breast milk help regulate the baby’s sleep patterns.

During breastfeeding, eye contact between mother and child is very important. The baby will naturally open its mouth towards the breast to suck out the milk. At this time, mothers need to correctly adjust the teat positions to make sure the baby is getting enough milk. Your newborn baby requires exclusive breastfeeding 6 to 10 times a day. More than this, breastfeeding is necessary for an ever-loving bond between mother and baby to flourish.


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