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Candida Cleanse Supplement Tips and Actions

This article contains candida cleansing supplement tips that you can use for treatment.

Week 1:

1. garlic
2. Pau D’Arco Tea (can also be used as an enema 2 times a week to relieve death symptoms and get rid of yeast in the colon).
3. Celginate – contains seaweed combined with celery root powder (bulking agent) – improves bowel movement – seaweed absorbs many toxins and helps lighten skin when consumed. Start with 3 tabs with each meal.
4. Acidophilus and bifidobacteria in 80%/20% formula. Make sure acidophilus is grown in a milk base and not in tablet or capsule form.
5. Beta carotene: 25,000 IU daily
6. Acupuncture

Week 2:

Caprylic tablets (300 mg of caprylic acid). 12 capsules divided into 2-3 doses will eliminate all Candida in 16 days. After that, a maintenance dose of 2 tablets/2 times a day for 2-3 months. Specific recommended dose as follows (remember to start the 2nd week of diet and take with meals):

Day 1: 1 tablet/3 times a day
Day 2: 2 tablets/3 times a day
Day 3-7: 3 tabs/3 times a day
Days 8-16: 4 tablets/3 times a day
Day 17: 2 tabs/2x daily. Continue this dose for a month.

Also, biotin will prevent it from spreading into the blood: at least 3 mg will prevent yeast from turning into a fungus. Start in the 2nd week up to 2 weeks. Take 3-5mg a day.

Week 5:

1. Zinc: 50 mg/day shortly after a meal (see p. 76 for natural zinc)
2. Iron – Hemolin tablets (20 mg ferrous sulfate) – 1 daily after a meal
3. Selenium – activates CoQ10 – 100 mcg/day (one tab of Algasel)
4. Vitamin C – 4,000-10,000/day until tolerated. It takes crystal form.
5. Vitamin E – combats environmental chemicals
6. Magnesium (400-600 mg) and Calcium (1500 mg at night) and Potassium (try to get Mag. Cal. Pot. in one product for better absorption
7. Essential fatty acid
8. Vitamin B6 and B12
9. Evening primrose oil – 40 mg tablets (4-6x/day). Dr. Dunner’s Evening Primrose Oil is recommended.


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