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Health Fitness

Quick Healthy Dinner Ideas: 4 Key Ingredients a Healthy Sandwich Should Have

If you’ve already had a cooked meal for lunch, chances are you won’t feel like cooking again for dinner. After all, you’ve been working hard all day. Now, you just want to get some food on the table quickly and…

Building Lean Muscle Mass – How Much Muscle Mass Can You Really Build?

The average amateur weight lifter expects to develop toned lean muscle mass in a very short amount of time. I mean, the average powerlifter expects to get ripped in a heartbeat. Getting a ripped physique fast is largely a myth….

Understand the basics of how to lose weight

The basics – We meet some people who don’t gain weight even though they eat what they want. At the other extreme are people who seem to gain weight no matter how little they eat. Consequently, some effortlessly stay slim,…

HIIT Cardio Versus Fartlek Training

HIIT cardio is the new rage in gyms in Europe and North America. The reason for this… it’s fast, efficient and it works! High intensity interval training is something that athletes and runners in particular have known for a long…

How to use weight loss supplements?

Supplements are not a good option for weight loss, but they are becoming popular by the day. It is better to exercise and diet rather than take supplements. However, it is not possible to recover from illness without medication and…

Joys of walking your dog in the rain

If you’re an active dog parent who spends a lot of time outdoors with your trusty companion, you probably don’t want to let a little bad weather ruin your good time. Most pet owners will have no problem walking their…

portable fitness equipment

Since I started personal training in 1985, people have basically set themselves the same goals: lose fat and gain muscle, improve athleticism, heal the body, increase movement skills, spend little money, and train when and where they want. I’m pretty…

White tea, fat burning and hormonal balance, and how they affect your quality of life

Western cultures are experiencing a growing problem of increased incidence of obesity-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and other diseases of wealth. With the increase in obesity-related diseases, fat metabolism has been receiving more and more attention. Adipose tissue (fat…

Kettlebell conditioning for weight loss

Kettlebells have been around for over a century. They were especially popular with the Russian military. The 1986 Soviet Weightlifting Yearbook states that “it is difficult to find a sport that has deeper roots in the history of our people…

In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan – Book Review

title and author: In Defense of Food by Michael Pollan Content Synopsis: In Defense of Food Michael Pollan has given us the most important book on nutrition of this decade. He strikes back at the onslaught of diet and nutrition…