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Lifestyle Fashion

6 steps to organize your parents’ move without being disowned

When you move your parents from your home to a new place, such as an assisted living facility, it’s a task that can be particularly laborious and emotionally challenging at the same time. Therefore, it is something that must be…

Can beer make a yeast infection worse?

Vaginal yeast infection is a common fungal infection caused by fungi of the Candida species. It results in excessive itching and burning sensations in the affected area. Damp and wet conditions are favorable for their growth and if not cured…

Vaginal Pimples: How To Treat And Tell If Your Vaginal Acne Is Herpes Or Genital Warts

Have you seen or felt what looks like a vaginal pimple and been surprised because you never believed such a thing existed? so there is and don’t be surprised. Besides the usual sweaty crotch and tight clothing being a couple…

Does kinesiology treatment work for yeast infections?

Many women battled yeast infections with a lot of pain. Some of them unexpectedly stumbled upon an excellent solution. After kinesiology treatment, they never have to deal with another breakout again. I heard a story that a woman was referred…

Can you save your marriage without therapy?

Fifteen years ago my marriage was in trouble. I knew we couldn’t go on as we were, but I wasn’t sure how to change things. What I did know was that we had four children who would be negatively affected…

Makeup brushes and everything you need to know about them

Professional makeup is undoubtedly every girl’s dream. We look for makeup magazines, videos and books and buy the most expensive cosmetics along with those makeup brushes or a set of them, but when it comes to using them and finally…

Top 5 Reasons Marriages Break Up

Love: Yes, I mean love. I know you’re wondering how love could cause a breakup. It is believed that love is the basis of marriage. It is love that produces marriage. You only get married when you realize that you…

Reiki as a modality

Reiki is a healing modality. It is of Japanese origin, since it was founded in Japan by Mikao Usui in the 19th century. He traveled to the US with Hawayo Takata, who is the source of most Reiki in the…

Yogurt Buffer For Yeast Infections: How To Use A Yogurt Buffer For Candida

A yogurt tampon for yeast infections is quite an effective method of treating vaginal yeast infection (candida). It’s easy to do and much cheaper than drug based medications which in any case only address the local symptoms and not the…

Celtic dagger: a symbol of war

celts at war Almost every society in history had its warriors, the Celts were no exception. The Celts drew their warriors from the middle and upper classes and it was they who fought while making use of the free poor…