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Reiki as a modality

Reiki is a healing modality. It is of Japanese origin, since it was founded in Japan by Mikao Usui in the 19th century. He traveled to the US with Hawayo Takata, who is the source of most Reiki in the world today. There are now about 145 different types of Reiki, like ice cream flavors. Ice cream is still ice cream, and all Reiki disciplines have a number of things in common.

These commonalities include, but are not exclusive to, the following:

The laying on of hands to heal, either by touching the clothed person or by touching the aura, the body’s electromagnetic field;

The five Reiki Principles, a set of principles by which the healer intends to live his life, for a happy and healthy life;

The transmission of the state of Reiki healing from a Master Teacher or Trainer to the student, either by a series of empowerments called Reiju, or by an attunement or initiation;

The ability to trace the Reiki healer’s lineage from Master Master to Master Master, all the way back to Mikao Usui;

Channel healing instead of the healing that comes from the healer himself;

The healer should not direct the heal at anything, but instead channels the heal, and the healed does their own healing by absorbing the energy and allowing it to do its thing;

Healing is not a cure but for the Higher Good of the situation, for example, it can help someone help themselves to release or control eczema, depression, anxiety, chronic pain or any condition, while, on the other hand, a terminally ill person can use it to recover, have a better quality of life or die with dignity, whichever is more suitable for the Highest good;

The ability to receive healing from a distance, such as a client in Australia and the healer channeling energy in China.

Reiki literally translated means phantom energy or spiritual energy. You may have seen it also called Universal Life Force. It is non-denominational and non-denominational. It is empowering for the client, because it does their self-healing; the healer is simply there as a facilitator, as a channel.

It is a natural and simple healing modality that has no contraindications. This means that it is safe for anyone to have Reiki. If you haven’t tried Reiki yet, why not contact your local healer or attend a class or workshop? At least it will satisfy your curiosity. Of course, I hope you get more and are satisfied and happy with your experience.


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