
The inventions you need.


A rescued dog is the most rewarding act

My husband Eldad was on his way to a crowded animal shelter to look at a dog who he claimed “had a horrible-looking photo.” Labeled a terrier mix, and he’s already run a week past his welcome. We are full…

Bluey – Oldest Australian Cattle Dog on Record

The oldest dog on record was an Australian Cattle Dog named Bluey. Bluey lived almost 30 years. That figure is in human years. Mature dogs faster than humans. According to canine age experts, a one-year-old dog is about 15 years…

5 reasons NOT to have a puppy for Christmas!

The Christmas season is a time when many parents decide to surprise their children with a new puppy. While it is wonderful to bring a new member to the family, the holidays are not usually the best time to do…

What is a silly labrador retriever?

Although many people think that all Labrador Retrievers look similar, the truth is that we are like people! We can develop with different colors, facial features, and bone structure. These traits can be the result of selective breeding, as many…

I will never do it

During my childhood I was a feline person. We probably had around 6 or 7 cats before I graduated from high school. After meeting my husband in college, who had a dog, I quickly became a canine person. I discovered…

10 best places to buy a teacup puppy

People often say that a family is perfect and complete only when there are parents, children, and a lovable dog. One of people’s best options as a pet is a puppy. The reason for this is that puppies have great…

Care and feeding of a Havanese rescue dog

A Great Dane is a huge dog that is a great family dog ​​and can fend off children. A Havanese rescue dog, if you look at the information available, is not a huge dog and would probably have to run…

Puppy mills, fake rescues, animal thieves, and now flipping dogs! How low can The Sleaze go?

It has been almost a year since I had a very bad experience with the rescue of a local puppy mill. That experience led me to begin researching the various aspects of puppy mills and dog rescues. In this research,…

Is Clicker Training The Best Method To Train Pit Bulls Not To Bite?

Some exasperated dog owners have asked me, “How do you train a Pit Bull not to bite?” My answer is always: “That depends.” It will be easier to get your Pitbull to stop biting if it is a puppy. Unfortunately,…