
The inventions you need.


The most common training routine mistakes

No bread, no profit. That’s the old motto that anyone who successfully followed a fitness routine sang in their head every day. Unfortunately, the average gym member quits after just six months, long before results really start to show. Take…

Use herbal remedies to remove kidney stones quickly and effectively

Currently, the formation of kidney stones has become a worldwide urological disorder. Small stones are usually passed through the urine, but if the stones are larger, surgery is required for removal. Excess water from the blood, as well as waste…

Book Review – The Alphabet Sisters by Monica McInerney

I can’t explain why it took me until 2013 to read my first Monica McInerney novel. She is an Australian-born author with international bestsellers including: A Taste for It, Upside Down Inside Out, Spin the Bottle and most recently Lola’s…

be different be gifted

I was so excited to go to kindergarten. Playing and meeting lots of kids would be so much fun! However, it seemed like a lot for her to get used to. There was something called circle time where everyone had…

Children with autism and Thomas the locomotive

Parents, educators, and therapists have been witnessing anecdotal evidence of a special connection between Thomas the Tank Engine and children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) for many years. While the typical child is drawn to brightly colored, cheerful little engines,…

Guided reading in kindergarten?

Many teachers ask me about guided reading in Kindergarten. They ask what to do with students who aren’t reading, what to do after reading the book, how to start guided reading, and why they even need to do guided reading…

Common Home Fire Hazards – Cigarette and Dryer Vents

Now you’re probably wondering, how can a dryer vent become a common home fire hazard? Most people can see how cigarettes can start a fire, especially if someone fell asleep and was smoking in bed, but dryer vents, come on….

Transform your TV viewing experience

Being able to relax in front of the TV to enjoy your favorite shows and watch movies is quite common. Why not transform that experience and make it perfect for your preferences and viewing? With an AV wall mount, you…

The Essential Teachings and Messages of the Bible, the Word of God

What are some of the central truths or messages of the Bible? Every Christian has the responsibility to study the Bible for its teachings, precepts, and principles on his own, but here I will provide a summary of the central…

The importance of reading to children

Growing up, my parents read me a story every night. I always assumed it was the standard in the bedtime routine of all children across the country. As a teacher with my degree in Early Childhood Education, I know the…