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Clutter and Hoarding: The Last 3 Easy Steps to Organizing Your Bathroom Vanity Top Drawer

When it comes to organizing and ordering skills, you can easily apply them to your bathroom vanity task. Before even trying to sort and / or organize anything, make sure you remind yourself that you can go at your own pace. There is no need to rush to do your cleaning job. If you put yourself in a situation where you feel rushed, how will you feel good about what you are doing?

Focus on feeling happy to order and organize because you are a good person. Read on for the last 3 easy steps to organize your bathroom top vanity drawer.

1. The top drawer of your bathroom vanity can hold many things. Sometimes too many things. Take some time now to clean it up and organize it in a way that makes sense to you. Begin by removing the items from the drawer. You can place the items in a newspaper on the floor if some of them are very sticky or sticky on the outside of their containers.

After completing this first step, you may decide to get up and take a walk outside and just sing a “la de dah” song about your wonderful life. Once you’ve done that, you may choose to go back to the bathroom and start looking at the things you took out of the drawer so you can decide if there is something you would like to throw out.

2. If you decide to throw something away because it’s empty or broken or whatever, do it. Notice how much space you are making in the drawer. Are you happy to have more drawer space? Be kind to yourself as you continue to work on this task and celebrate your progress.

3. Turn on the radio and sing along to the upbeat tunes you hear floating melodically in the air. While you’re still working to clean the drawer by wiping the dirt off the surface you see, when you’re done, simply put everything back in the drawer. Think about the items you use most often. Maybe you can place them toward the front of the drawer to make it easier for you to get the item the next time you need it. Congratulate yourself on a job well done and, if you wish, repeat that cleaning / mess activity with each of the bathroom vanity drawers.


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