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Lifestyle Fashion

Coca-Cola causes acne: fact or myth?

Now this question may not be as famous as the idea that chocolate causes acne, but it still makes a lot of people wonder about it. You’ve already stopped eating something you love so much like chocolate because of one of these old housewife tales and I’m sure you really don’t want to stop drinking one of your favorite sodas only to find out that this is nothing more than a myth. . So before you quit drinking coke, you should probably read this first and then decide.

Now the first thing you really need to understand is what are the causes of acne and acne breakouts and what are the contributing factors in causing acne. Acne starts when sebum oil, which is produced naturally to moisturize the skin, gets trapped under the skin. This can happen for any reason, such as the pores in the skin being clogged from excessive oil production, or just coming off the top of the skin for some reason. In any case, this clogged pore is the beginning of a pimple, when you pop it, you release the excess oil in the pore and the skin returns to normal. Acne is actually caused by hormonal activity, as sebum oil production is affected by the level of hormones in the body, so Coca-Cola can’t really be a contributing reason for acne.

So you can feel safe and free to drink as much Coke as you want now that you know it can’t cause acne, but be careful with those calories because it’s still very capable of causing weight gain. The next time you hear one of these myths or tales, you should get some facts about it before throwing away something you like to eat or drink.

Although coke can’t cause acne on its own, a bad diet will. A bad diet will cause acne simply because certain foods like fat, sugar and others are capable of affecting the production of hormones and this will lead to overproduction of sebum oil and acne situation. It really doesn’t matter what you eat once you’re eating right and have a balanced diet because a reasonable amount of any food won’t cause acne problems but a poor diet in general will so remember to eat right and this should ease. your acne problem or help prevent it from getting worse.


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