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Cockatoo Bird Information for New Owners

One of the many types of parrots, highly prized and famous as pets, are the cockatoo birds. These are native Australian birds with variegated multicolored plumage and a long graceful tail. They usually measure between 10 and 14 inches from the beak to the tip of the tail; They can weigh between 80-120 grams. Show birds can actually weigh more.

Cockatoos are actually small parrots (a term often used to refer to all kinds of parrots); one of approximately 340 different parrots in the world that originated by DNA research to be a member of the cockatoo family. Although they are native to Australia, most of these large birds are now captive bred after Australia banned the export of all native birds.

Cockatoo birds are naturally friendly, charming, and captivating in their beauty. They are one of the types of parrots that are very social and constantly need company. In fact, in the wild, no cockatoo is known to travel alone; They usually do it in pairs or small flocks.

The actual life expectancy of a bird depends on whether or not it receives proper nutrition and veterinary care, as well as whether all of its emotional and physical requirements are met. The average lifespan for cockatiels is 12 to 15 years, but with proper care and training, it won’t be unusual for a cockatiel to live as long as 20 or even 30 years.

According to research, more cockatoos are living their lives into their 20s due to better nutrition and advances in avian medicine. There are three things owners should keep in mind: feeding their bird a nutritious diet, keeping the cage and feeding dishes clean, and seeking veterinary attention when a bird becomes seriously ill. This is the best guarantee that your pet will have a long life.

As proper cockatiel care steps to ensure a long and happy life for your bird, be sure to provide a clean and spacious cage, daily exercise with regular training sessions, a healthy balanced diet of pelleted food and fresh fruits, vegetables , seeds and other natural food cockatoos usually eat in the wild.

Providing your pets with lots of stimulating activities and attention is definitely a vital part of your duties towards them. Due to their intelligence, cockatiels require constant stimulation from you and their environment. It is important to keep your pets busy and motivated or else they will become bored and depressed, bored and unhappy. Bad-tempered and disgruntled birds often display noisy and destructive behaviors, such as plucking their feathers and refusing to eat.

If well cared for and the bond with the owner is deep, cockatiels can provide enjoyable entertainment and companionship throughout the day.


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