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Health Fitness

Competitive cheerleading: become strong and flexible

Cheerleading can be a very athletic event. For those who think otherwise, take a closer look. Cheerleading has become a competitive sport in its own right and a good level of fitness is needed to compete. Of course, there is no real competition outside of a game, but pulling off the stunts they do these days requires strength.

For those competitive cheerleaders who participate in competition, they find that to perform at their best they need to be in top shape to exercise, rest, and eat healthy. Being in the best possible shape also helps reduce the chance of strained muscle injuries or fall accidents if you’re too tired.

Flexibility is also an important element for cheerleaders. Being flexible will also help prevent injuries, but you will be able to perform more easily. You can do stretching exercises every day if you have time. It is recommended to stretch before, during or after practice.

Engage in some form of strength training. You could be working with weights to strengthen your upper body for bodyweight exercises. If you can get stronger arms and back, you will be able to lift with less effort if you are the base.

Leg strength will help you jump higher and give you a stronger foundation for the lifts. You can easily exercise your legs by doing squats with or without weight and lunges. Getting on a stool or step is also a great exercise. Not only will you help yourself by strengthening your legs, but you’ll also make it safer for your squad if you’re a point guard.


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