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Decide this year to notice what’s going on outside, in your own backyard, in the fall

~ Quiet reading under the palm tree! There are so many places to find that make writing fun, relaxing, and new! Try writing under a palm tree, which is actually a unique and comfortably novel place to write and also pretty cool, if you ask me… The fall season is a great reason to notice the changes in nature, animals, and outdoor natural events taking place. place whether we realize it or not. Resolve this year to watch what happens outside in your own backyard in the fall.

Whether reading the Psalms under the comfortable palm trees or studying your French lesson, finding a relaxing environment is key to gaining perspective or finding a great spot of inspiration. Living in a tropical climate has many benefits and challenges, although I prefer to focus more on the wonderful elements that tropical life brings! Whether wearing shorts and flip-flops year-round is your habit or watching wild rabbits eat the plants and vegetables in your garden, just enjoy the natural surroundings and the place you call home.

Living in unison with the birds and the bees is quite humiliating. Watching lizards run and garden snakes retreat for cover when discovered is a wonderful way to live. Enjoy watching the baby papaya trees get so busy stretching out their branches and growing their leaves to see who will survive and grow to become the large fruit trees humans expect and enjoy. The fruit trees make the other trees so jealous, although no one knows for sure for what reason.

**As fall approaches, more visits arrive from the wild family of reindeer who like to comb the common areas and neighborhoods they call home. As the weather gets colder, wild deer get bolder and want to spend more time roaming the rivers, lakes and streams, sometimes playing, foraging for food, or who knows, maybe laughing at the humans that they wear reindeer sweaters in Florida ~ as the holiday season is not far away. With fewer and fewer alligator sightings and more and more deer sightings, you can be sure that Halloween and Thanksgiving are fast approaching.

**Ounce of lush green grass from neighboring yards and gardens is replenished less; now plus the emphasis on the small yellow-tinged patches of weeds and grass once hidden under a fertile green landscape, you know autumn is descending on us again! The only common animal, rodent or whatever category is most appropriate, is the ever-present population of squirrels. Wonderful squirrels scamper around my roof at night like giggly little girls and can be seen crossing the street, without looking both ways first, during any season or day of the year. Enjoy your fall season! **

I enjoy learning from you and others continually offering me knowledge!~


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