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delta 8 Moon Rocks and CBD

delta 8 Moon Rocks

With a high concentration of Delta 8 THC, Moon Rocks is created specifically for those who need extra high doses of THC for temporary relief of insomnia or chronic symptoms of a medical condition, such as cancer. The sweet, kief-caked buds have a heavy, pine-sapist smell and subtle, chocolate-coated notes of fruit on exhale that adds to the high. For this reason, many users have found that using the medicine as a night-time sleep aid can help relieve chronic pain and other conditions. It has also shown benefit for people with various types of diseases, and has been found to ease nausea and vomiting in all patients.

delta 8 moon rocks

The Delta8-THC in the Moon Rocks Pre Roll is actually three different concentrates, each of which is blended separately into a single pill to create a very potent medication. The first, called the original concentrate, is primarily made up of CBD, an important ingredient that the companies claim promotes sleep. The second concentrate, or flower, is comprised of organic hemp flower buds from a specific variety. Finally, the third and last concentrated, also called the dark extract, contains the last, most potent components, which are delta 8 THC and purified water.

All three portions of the Delta8 THC are carefully blended into the final distillate. Although the label does not indicate the percentage amounts of each, it is safe to assume that at least some CBD may be present. The hemp flower bud is particularly refined and its psychoactive effects are enhanced. This, in turn, allows it to produce a longer lasting high than most other psychoactive flowers. By combining it with the highly refined and purified nugget, the Moon Rocks Pre Roll maximizes the amount of delta 8 THC and nugg carrier agents it can carry. Because of this, it is far less likely to produce harmful side effects like those of other psychoactive preroll products.

delta 8 Moon Rocks and CBD

The third, dark extract, the purest of the three portions, is primarily produced from kief and hemp flower buds. The kief is a red flower, much like the rose, and is more often than not, sold as a concentrated, single flower head, but its therapeutic value has been harnessed to make nugget oil. Nugg is simply a sweet sugar, and because it is not processed (unlike kief), it is significantly less expensive than delta 8 THC, which makes it more accessible for consumers.

Many distributors of moon rocks also sell a supplement that is used as a base to boost the potency of the concentrated kief and CBD. It is called CGB, or Cannabidilicate gyrate, and is available in many different forms including spray, liquid, capsule, and even a liquid drop that can be used as a tea. CGB, however, is actually derived from hemp flower rather than kief, so no cannabis is involved. The supplement is still however much safer and more potent than THC. With the exception of rare interactions with alcohol and other drugs, CGB is completely safe for anyone to use.

For people looking for an alternative to smoking cannabis on a regular basis, prerolls and capsules are available that contain both delta 8 THC and CBD. The addition of these two crucial ingredients makes CGB completely legal for anyone to purchase and inhale in any form. People who are not familiar with the medicinal properties of CBD may want to consult their doctor before consuming this product though. With no known side effects, CGB is a highly desirable choice for everyone interested in reducing their drug dependency.


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