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Health Fitness

Detoxification, Waste Removal, and Weight Loss: Are They Connected?

Proper removal of toxic waste from the body is one of the key elements to achieving successful and permanent weight loss. However, many people start a diet or weight loss program and neglect this very important aspect of weight loss and weight management.

Detoxification and elimination of waste from the body is not exactly the most pleasant topic to discuss, but it is essential to losing weight and maintaining overall health. If you are starting a weight loss program and want to make detoxification a part of that program, you need to remember that the accumulation of toxic waste in your body may have taken 10, 20, 30 or even 50 years to accumulate. So don’t expect overnight results from the detox program.

Removing toxic waste from the body can be uncomfortable, but it’s better to have a minor discomfort now than to have a serious illness later in life. Complete removal of all toxicity from the body can take weeks to months, and in some cases even years. But in a matter of days you will lose weight and feel vastly more energetic and vibrant.

Most people who start a detox program never complete it. They may feel some discomfort and discomfort and leave the program before it has a chance to work.

For a simple, natural and straightforward detox program that you can start today is as follows. You can start the program by increasing the amount of water you drink each day, to at least 12 to 14 glasses of water per day.

Every high-water content food in its natural state as close to nature as possible, meaning lots of fruits and vegetables. Each of a large number of fruits and natural fresh fruit juices every morning between 7 am and 12 pm, without any other food. This will give the body time to cleanse itself while it absorbs vital nutrients and releases energy to go through the detoxification process.

Get rid of all meat foods in your diet, along with all dairy products and any animal by-products during your detoxification process. Meat and dairy products create the most toxins in the body and therefore need to be eliminated from your diet.

Refined foods should not be eaten at this time, i.e. refined sugar, refined flour and other processed foods. Caffeine and caffeinated beverages should definitely not be consumed during your detox.

Try to eat 85% of your food unnatural raw, stay away from processed foods that are canned, boxed or bagged foods. To help your digestive tract eliminate waste, don’t combine high-protein foods with foods high in carbohydrates or sugar.

If your ball or your moves haven’t increased to at least three by that time, you may need to do a colon cleanse.
There are many Colin cleansers on the market, but care must be taken to ensure that any colon cleanser you are going to use is 100% natural, with no additives, preservatives or dyes.

Most people who eat a lot of meat will be surprised at the amount of weight they will lose during the detox process and a proper colon cleanse. This is because the colon can contain up to 150 pounds of embedded fecal matter that has been building up for several years.

So the goal here is to give your digestive system a clean slate to process, digest, absorb, and eliminate food from the digestive system. This will give you a head start on your weight loss program.


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