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Differences Between Heat Exhaustion, Heat Prostration, and Heat Stroke

Hyperthermia is the elevation of body temperature, primarily in response to disease or the environment. Excessive heat and humidity are a deadly combination for man and beast! This is especially true for dogs that are not acclimated.

Many are under the impression that dogs don’t sweat. That is not true. However, where and how much they sweat is not enough to cool them down when they are in distress. Dogs barely sweat the pads of their paws. A sign of wet paw prints of overheated dog.

The most effective way for a dog to cool down is by panting; especially if they do not have access to water, a fan, air conditioning or shade.

Being outside between the hours of 10 am and 4 pm is particularly dangerous for dogs. Being the hottest hours of the day; most dogs suffering from hyperthermia are affected during those 6 hours.

Prevention is the main goal. However, that is not always possible. The following are the stages of progression to heat stroke. The sooner you realize your dog is in danger and take action, the better the chances of your dog surviving.

You have less than 10 minutes to check your dog’s temperature if he has suffered from heat exhaustion. Anything above 103 degrees is dangerous. A body temperature of more than 105 degrees for more than 5 minutes is potentially fatal.

Focus on refreshing the key areas, which are the chest, underarms, groin, and paw pads.

heat exhaust

The first stage of overheating is called heat exhaustion. Symptoms include: agitation, labored breathing, heavy panting, increased drooling and salivation, rapid heartbeat, wet paws, anxiety, whining, disorientation, lethargy, dehydration, and/or gums, tongue, inner ear, and/or white of bright red eyes. .

Heat Prostration

The second state is heat prostration. Signs include: shallow breathing, fluctuating and labored panting, dry mouth, glassy eyes, unfocused, unresponsive to commands, pale/gray gums, confusion, unsteadiness due to lack of muscle control, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration and/or or sometimes bleeding. Immediate veterinary assistance is recommended. Call your vet and let them know you’re on the way, so they can be prepared for urgent action.


The third and possibly fatal stage is heat stroke. Signs include: pale and gray gums, loss of consciousness, straining, hardly breathing or gasping, stopping breathing, tremors, seizures, lethargic, dehydrated, thick and sticky saliva, vomiting, loss of bladder/bowel control, bleeding, coma and death If the dog’s body temperature is above 104 degrees, you have 5 minutes to take him to the nearest vet. If possible, give them a call so they can be prepared to take urgent action.

Useful tips to prevent hyperthermia

– Keep your dog inside, between 10 am and 4 pm as much as possible.

– Keep your dog well hydrated. Always make sure that more than one bucket or bowl of fresh water is accessible at all times.

– A shaded kiddie pool, with 2 inches of water, not only gives your dog access to drinking water; It’s a fun way to cool off quickly.

– Do the pinch test. Pinch the skin between your shoulder blades. If it does not immediately snap back into place, dehydration has set in.

– Raise your dog’s lip; press his index finger on his gum until it turns white. Release. If it doesn’t turn pink right away, your dog is dehydrated.

– Add ΒΌ cup of Gatorade or Pedialyte to your buckets of water. They need the extra electrolytes. Encourage them to drink, but only in small amounts at a time.

– If your dog is overheated, do not allow him to drink water too quickly, or give him ice water. It can cause vomiting, which will only exacerbate your dehydration.

– Walk and moderately exercise your dog only during the coolest hours of the day.

– Carry water and collapsible bowls on long walks.

– Keep water and container in your vehicle.

– Provide a spray on a low position or wash your dog periodically.

– Provide plenty of shade.

– Do not leave your dog outside without supervision for more than half an hour, when the weather is humid and hot.

– Give your dog treats of ice cubes or an ice block, made with a combination of water and Gatorade or Pedialyte to play with. Plain ice cubes work too!

– Wear a cooling collar during walks. They are available at pet stores and online.

– Provide a cooling mat in the summer. They are available at pet stores and online.

– Groom your dog. Matted hair retains body heat.

– Dark-haired dogs need extra concern when exposed to direct sun. Cool them periodically.

– Keep your weight under control. Obese dogs have a harder time cooling off.

-Never leave a puppy, elderly or sick dog outside without supervision.

– Do not confine your pet in a confined area such as a garage or plastic cage without proper ventilation.

– If you must leave your dog outside in the summer, take the necessary precautions Also, have someone control it. Provide a hose and ask them to clean your dog periodically. Let them know what signs to watch for and what to do if your dog is in danger.

– If your dog has already suffered episodes related to heat, be more attentive. They are prone to future problems.

What to do if hyperthermia has begun

– Do not use ice water when treating your dog. It can put them in shock!

– Hold bags of frozen vegetables on the chest, under the armpits, on the muzzle and on the pads of the paws. Frozen peas or corn work great!

– Clean under the armpits, muzzle and pads of the feet with isopropyl alcohol.

– Immediately hose or run cold water on them. Focus on his chest, under his armpits, his muzzle, and the pads of his feet.

– Put your dog in the bathtub and bathe him with cold water.

– Place your dog in the shade and if possible on wet grass, a towel or a mat.

– Place ice chips or squeeze gently with a towel; water mixed with Gatorade or Pedialyte into the corner of the dog’s mouth.

– Place your dog in front of a fan or air conditioner. If possible, wet them or place a wet towel over them.

– Get veterinary attention as soon as possible.

– When transporting your dog to the vet, place a wet towel over your dog, place him in the front seat near the air conditioning vent.

Brachycephalic dogs, such as Bulldogs, Boxers, and Pugs, are the most common victims of heat-related problems. With its sunken face, short snout, and short head, its shorter upper airway reduces its ability to breathe out warm air and inhale cooler air fast enough to lower its body temperature.

Examples of breeds prone to heat sensitivity include: Boxer, Shar Pei, Great Dane, Mastiff, Boston Terrier, French Bulldog, English Bulldog, American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, English Bulldog, Pekingese, Chow-Chow, Rottweiler, Collie , Maltese, Pomeranian, Yorkshire Terrier, Basset Hound, Newfoundland, Japanese Chin, Shih Tzu, Bernese Mountain Dog, Saint Bernard, Bichon Frize, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Border Collie, Clumberland Spaniel, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Bottom line: take extra precautions in the summer. The combination of heat and humidity is deadly. Err on the side of caution. If you suspect your pet has heat exhaustion, prostration, or stroke, don’t waste time. Cool them down as quickly as possible, concentrating on the key areas, and take them to the nearest vet immediately. Even if your dog responds to your treatment, follow up with your vet. Usually, once an animal suffers from heat-related problems, it becomes a constant concern.


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